Chapter 10

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The weekend flew by. It was Tuesday. Jim promised to help him escape if Del ever felt sick of captivity, though Del was constantly declining. As promised, the two birds were back with a new green bird.

Del, unable to recognise this new species asked Jim, quietly of course, "Who's that? No I mean, what's that?"

Jim chuckled. "It's called a parrot. Gosh, you're missing up on life. Rethink my de-"

"NO! I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it. I'm so not doing it."

"Alright, alright. I'll visit you every weekend. And I'll search for Sora. We'll meet again, bye!"

"Bye, and best of luck! I really hope that you'll find her..".

"Hey, don't doubt this amazing sparrow who's standing right in front of you."

"As if."

"Okay, I really should go now."

Saying so, Jim motioned to the birds. The parrot came close, and dragged the cage door open.

"Del, do this one favour. Squeak as loud as you can. Also, come out for a second. We're going to throw the cage down to make it look more accidental." Jim said, making as little sound as possible.

Del came out, and the parrot flung the cage. Before Lucy could come check, Del was back inside, screaming as loudly as he could.

And just like that, Jim was gone.


Yeah, short af, I know.

But I didn't know what else to put in this chapter sooo erm..yeah-

Well whatever, now that Jim is gone, and Del is all alone, what will we do?

We'll see I guess, more like read, read till our eyes beg us for sleep.

See ya:)


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