Chapter 14

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It wasn't easy, training so hard without food and then gathering it, without actually being able to have a taste. To sum it all up, Del could say it was torture. Then again, it didn't stop him. He did the training, he did the gathering, without complaints. This was what would prepare him for a face-off with Falkner. It had been 2 weeks since his freedom. Sora had been missing for over a month. At least up until Jim came with the news.

"You were right, Del. Falkner has her. I managed to peek and I saw her." He said, panting.

"How's she?" Del asked, worried and excited. Sora was alive. Sora was alive. SORA WAS ALIVE!!

"Can't say, it was hard enough to look without Falkner noticing. I can't believe that piece of trash has her."

"So if she's in the aviary, or prison whatever, how do we get her out?"

"We can try to get to her while Falkner is asleep, but I don't think we can have a consistent plan, that bird is unpredictable."

"Will sneaking work at all? I mean, like you said, he might have birds who work as his eyes."

"Yeah, that's the only grey area in our plan. When I left, Falkner had these budgies who slept at alternate times, there was always one who scanned the area. I befriended them, so if they're still there, we might just succeed..."

"It's not like any bird in there likes Falkner right?"

"No, there are some who just gave up and accepted Falkner's dominion. You have no idea how dangerous those birds are. Otherwise, even if they don't like Falkner, do you really think we will carry on with the plan and they will just sit and stare?"

"Oh. Then what if--"

"No. We're only going there to get Sora out. Not any other bird. Unless Falkner wakes up or so, there is absolutely no need."


"I'll check for the budgies. See you in the evening."


Sora yawned. So what if she's in captivity, is being tortured, and is away from all hope? One can get bored at all costs. It's the same thing after all. Watching birds being slaughtered. What would've once destroyed her sanity, now couldn't make a scratch in her heart.

Sora couldn't bother to show emotions either. Falkner was analysing her every move.

I did see Jim though. A warm, welcoming face, however be it tied with unspoken bitterness. Del...where are you? Does Lucy take care of you? Have you, I should believe in him. And if Jim knows I'm here, they must have somehow met. Maybe it was the same family who bought Jim and me.

Sora stared at the evening sky, the amazing shades which brought her back to one past day.

She was staring that day, into the soft colours of the sky, which blazed her hopes. Sora was going to get her freedom, one way or other.

I don't care if Del comes or not. This is my life, and I won't block my desires because of his stupidity. We can be lovey-dovey all we want, but none of that will stop me from being able to fly once again. Nothing can defeat the joy of my freedom.

In a few days, her wish of flight did come true. Although it was not how she expected.

It happened quite fast. One moment she was making fun of Del, and the next she found herself in the talons of a hunger-driven crow.

Nope. Sorry miss, I decline to being your afternoon meal. I have better objectives, is what she thought, as she bit the claw.

With a deafening screech, Sora was released, and she grabbed the chance. What she said next to Del, was a false promise, but with the burst of emotions and pain inside her, she couldn't have formed a better statement.

The sky, is this what freedom feels? The wind carries me all the way through. There's this feeling of freshness, which gives me the energy to keep gliding, regardless of the pain. I lost the crow, and there aren't many birds at this altitude. Can I find the Sparrow Den though? It's been a while since I heard Jim muttering the directions.

Her memory shifted back further in the past, and she found herself with Jim.

"See? It's simple. When it's morning, fly in the direction of the sun. you'll see this huge Oak tree, turn right from there. Then as soon as you hear the sound of water, increase altitude. You should find the town a bit more towards the right, and before the town, this huge hill. That's Sparrow Den."

"Darn me, it was so simple. Even a new-born could follow in one go. Totally."

With that she was back to her flight memory.

If that was from the aviary, and I'm in outskirts of the town, it would be best I gained altitude.

Sora flew up, much against her desire to take rest and scanned as far her eyes could see. In contrast to the high buildings, the size of the Sparrow Den couldn't have been much, because she didn't see any elevated surface.

Come on, it shouldn't be that hard. Should I go up to the Aviary? It's kind of risky though. Well fine, who cares, I'll have my ears raised.

That, turned out to be her biggest mistake ever. She returned to the present, low-key sighing.

Huh. At least he couldn't get me to crack yet. We'll see Falkner, how long you can keep up with me.



o. It seems we've got some insight on Sora's current status!

It seems like slowly, the story's approaching its end! Eeeks I'm excited><.

Well anyway, it seems as if our leads are gonna come together in some time, but how exactly? Heh we shall see.

See ya:)!


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