Chapter 15

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"So let's revise." Del said.

"Basically,"—Jim was excited, scared, nervous, and determined today—"you will sneak up to Sora's cage, and I will make sure no bird speaks a word. If by any chance, that falcon wakes up all you have to do is hide, and I've already told you the locations. If he finds either of us, or both, then I'll distract him, your job is to open the darned cage-door. Remember, we are not saving the others."

Del didn't seem to like that idea too much.

But he should know that not everyone is willing to be grateful. Not everyone there will value your heroic nature. It's better to be safe than sorry, learnt that the hard way.

They set off. Throughout the time they had, a lot of training was carried out. It should be enough for a small face-off, as in running away of course, for Del.


The aviary had this skylight which was always open during the day, and closed at night by Falkner. It was such that none of his 'prisoners' escaped. But it was almost dusk, and Jim could clearly see Falkner sleeping. The inside was line up with cages and well-lit. However, there was this eerie silence and feeling of emptiness Jim couldn't understand. He couldn't even see the birds. Maybe they're just trying to sleep. No one would notice two little sparrows sneaking in. Everything would be fine.


Del gulped. He couldn't see her. Falkner must have hid her somewhere else. It wasn't just his spine which shivered, it was everything about him. Falkner's presence was that intimidating. Falkner's eyes were closed, but that didn't make it any less scarier.

I..uh...can do it...Right?

"Del, hop in." Jim sad, already having crossed.

Del envied Jim for this courage. It was almost as if he never had any fear, as if the concept itself had ghosted itself from his mind.

It doesn't matter. Del entered. Let's get started. Sora..--his own inner voice was barely a whisper--where are you?

They flew in. At first, both thought that it was a bit empty, but on further investigation..

"No way.." Jim said, mouth agape.

The aviary was empty.

"What happened of Falkner?"

Jim went up to inspect him. Falkner moved not an inch. In comparison to the falcon's massive figure, Jim was barely anything. He went around a bit, and then squealed.

"Del. Falkner was poisoned to death."


"Y-yeah. I don't know how they managed it, but, he isn't alive anymore. This nightmare.. it's gone.

"There should be some evidence!"

"That plate you see there?"-Jim pointed to a silver plate beside Falkner's stand-"That smelled a bit suspicious at first, but now it's all coming together.

"Did his owner do it? Why would the birdkeeper poison his 'treasure' though?"

"Falkner might have been costly, but that's not all. He is, was pretty demanding. Falkner would always demand new and exotic birds to be his 'toys'. Even if not exotic, it's not like every bird can be found around this place. And since you mentioned 'treasure', it would also mean he couldn't have just killed the falcon directly. It won't work out that easily anyway. So he used poison. Now the question is, what happened of the other birds?"

"He might have sold all of them?"

"That.. it's definitely the most probable outcome. Though in that case.. it would mean that Sora.-."

"-Was also sold off." Del sighed.

Jim circled around a bit more, and then sat down on a cage.

"It's useless. W-where can we find her now?" Jim finally broke down. He couldn't take this anymore. "I.. know your pain is more, but I just.. I just want to see her. For once. Don't mind me.. it's weird, I never cry.."

"Hey, it's okay. Nobody is classifying our levels of pain, got it? Plus, if he did sell everyone, it was done hastily. If we consider the point that he didn't ship all the birds to other places, then he most probably would've sold them in this town. We just have to scout well. We'll find her, you told me so, I'll remember and repeat as many times as it is needed. Let's return."


The next day, they went out to search the entire town. Their only belief was a possibility, and they held on to it as firmly as ever.

Moments turned to minutes, minutes turned into hours. Del was almost in despair, but he felt this instinct that he should go back there. Straight in front of him, was the house he had been almost since birth. The window still had the birdcage beside, only it was empty. Del hovered inside, and what he saw next left him in tears, of bliss of course.

There was Lucy, drawing a picture, of two lovely sparrows, and beside her? There was Sora.








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