Chapter 9

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Silent, boring days went by. Neither Jim nor Del had anything to say. If it wasn't about Sora, it was arguments. So they would just ignore each other. Often though, Jim would have visitors. Sparrows, parrots and even pigeons. Del felt alone at those times. He realised how much he craved for a friend. Lucy hadn't approached them much since that incident. Once or twice, Jim's friends would notice him and ask who he was. But Jim would just change their topic. Tired of it, Del finally decided to step up. Today, there were two sparrows.

"Hey! Hi, my name's Del, what's yours?"

The two sparrows stared at him with confused expressions.

"Jim, we aren't here for chit-chats. Tell that friend of yours to shut up. We are here for business. Understand? We'll talk later." One of them snapped. Both the sparrows flew away.

Jim turned to face Del. "You had to destroy my escape plan, didn't you? You couldn't bear to upset your worthless caretakers. Great. Now I'll never get to make deals with them. You must be so happy."

"Jim, I didn't mean to-"

"Oh? So what did you speak up for then? To make friends? Well here's a few words of advice. Friends are just pitiable creatures who slow you down. They pretend to be really great companions, but turn up to be backstabbers. Out in the world, you're on your own. No partners, no friends, no family, and you survive. Anyone who you like is just a betrayer, or a weakness. So don't make friends. At the end of the day, you're all alone." Jim said, his expression explaining it totally wasn't a joke.

Del just sat, dumbfounded. How could anyone talk like that? Friends, family, these were the most important birds in ones life. How could he call them backstabbers? And so casually? Did he never have a proper family or friend? And even if he didn't, wasn't the feeling of having one enough to spend a whole lifetime happily? Birds like Del, who never got a chance to know their family, would crave to get to have one. But Jim, he just insulted them.

"Are you serious Jim? How could you say that! Isn't Sora your friend? When Sora exclaimed what an amazing friend you were, I had high hopes. But I guess you're not the bird Sora talked about. I'm sorry for having sabotaged your wonderful escape plan. I hope you escape soon. And I hope you understand how much I ever craved for a family." Del replied, sharply, trying to calm himself down.

For the first time, Jim looked guilty. "Sorry Del. I didn't realise how you must be feeling. But I never had a good friend or family, except for Sora. From my experiences, I could only conclude what I had said. I didn't hurt you."

Del looked at Jim. He does seem sorry...maybe I was a bit too harsh. I've never gone all out before, I'd never needed to. I don't know..he did insult everyone pretty bad. Did he deserve it? Or did I go a bit too far? Nevertheless, Del didnt say anything to Jim. He didn't want himself to look weak.

Neither did Jim say anything. He could understand how Del must have felt.


Del hadn't interfered when a new pair of birds showed up. He just let Jim be. Of course, all that bitterness had died down, but they didn't exactly have a topic to gossip about.

"So, we'll execute it next week. Tuesday at 6. Is that friend of yours coming too?"

"Huh who frie- Oh..Del."

Del shook his head.

"No, he isn.t coming."

"Well that's his loss then. See you on Tuesday." The bird said, before flying away with her partner.

"So I guess we'll never see each other after next week." Del sighed.

"Yeah. Good for both of us right?"

"I guess so."

A moment of silence followed.
[A/N: It's time to calm down, I rushed didn't I?]

"Del, I know I've been nothing but harsh to you from day one. But can we let those days pass away and start fresh? I can't believe what I'm about to say." Jim hesitated, reconsidering his next words. "When I arrived here, I didn't expect you to be so good. Caged birds are usually jealous of new birds. You were exceptionally kind. You're a really great bird, and I'm glad to have met you. I know now why Sora chose you. I'm happy for the two of you. You both deserve to be together. I'm sure of it."

Del didn't know what to say, the words sounded a bit forced, but he clearly knew that he had gained a formidable friend. He nodded.


Nice. New friend: Acquired.

Escape Plan: Set.

But where's Sora ToT.

If you think Del should've gotten out, or Jim should've added more spirit to his words, click the down there ><.

See you:)!


From the Eyes of a BirdOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant