Chapter 4

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"Food for the two of you!" Lucy exclaimed, as she slowly lifted the cage door. Sora stared in disbelief, but, at the same time, she prepared herself for flight.

"Don't." Del warned her. "Please, whatever you do, don't scare her or make her crestfallen. Please."

"You care about a human? What have they done to you? Nobody does that."

"Please, I'm begging you." Del requested with pleading eyes.

"Fine. But you've got loads to explain after this. I'll play along. Show me what to do."

There wasn't much to show or play. He hopped on Lucy's cupped hands and gently ate the grains, without pinching her. Sora looked uncomfortable at first, but she kept her word and joined him. She looked surprised and pleased, though Del had no idea of whether she was acting just for Del's sake. For one thing though, she was famished. That wasn't an act.

But what was this feeling of absolute pleasure forming in Del's head as he stared at Sora? He was trying hard not to look all dreamy-eyed as he looked at her graceful figure.

"What are you looking at?" Sora questioned, breaking his trance.

"Oh, um, nothing. Nothing at all. Totally not at you. Look how beautiful the scenery is."

"What are you even saying? You call that scenery? Buildings? Do you even know what the sky looks like?"

"Course I do. It's blue and its endless."

"And not at all attracting?"

"Totally not."

"You mean the iridescent blue sky and gleaming sun and fluffy clouds don't draw attention?"

"Why would it? The blue sky looks way to adventurous for our small wings, the clouds, they may look cute and fluffy, but who knows what lies beyond? And who knows what kind of predators might attack us there? It's their world, Sora, were just living in it. It's safe in here, and we have all the food wed ever need."

"Wow, I don't even know what to say. Close your eyes and think for a moment. Just forget about these pathetic humans, and imagine this. A breezy day where you're sitting on the highest branch of the tallest pine tree, taking in all the mountainous scenery. Magpies fly by, tweeting sweet melodies. It had just rained and the sky is crystal-clear. The golden rays of the sun reflect on the mountain and produce brilliant colours on the snow. A peaceful turquoise lake filled with little fishes, lay silently at the foot of the mountain. You feel refreshed, and take off. As you fly, the wind brushes past you, and sparrows like us greet you, race with you. How's that?"

Del was lost in her descriptions. What he saw in front of him was heaven.

"'s amazing! Is all of that even possible?? I know how mountains and rivers look by Lucy's picture books, and now when I see myself in it, I..I can't even begin with explaining how awesome it is.

"Of course it's all true, Del you should really experience it. With me." Sora grinned at him, and it was all it took for him to fall for her.

It wasn't just any other feeling I've had, Del thought, it was, it is, love. And I love this love.


Welcome back to another chapter!

This was a bit fast-paced, I'll agree, but hey he knows who he loves!

I'm still suffering from the glitch, and my phone isn't keeping up with the updates, JUST FOR THIS ONE STORY. I doubt it'll ever be fixed to be honest, so don't expect the normal formats-

Anyway, add some lights by tapping the vote button, free heart shaped candies if you do!


Chapters on Sundays and Wednesdays.


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