Chapter 6

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"Rover...why don't you talk to me anymore?" Lucy asked, totally disheartened.

Lucy, how do I explain this to you, you really aren't my prime concern anymore. Del thought, being unable to express them. Weeks ago that wouldn't have been the scene, but it was you who made this happen. Or Mr. Kenz. Now that Sora's in my life, I can't give you even half of my time to you. I am sorry, but this was bound to happen. Del gulped, he chirped at times, as he used to, but these ones werent for Lucy. It was all for Sora. Is what I'm doing to Lucy fair? She was all I had before Sora came after all, shouldn't I repay her kindness? He thought this, while another part of his mind battled, She did ask for eggs, she was the one who wished me to have a partner, it is only fair to spend most of my time with Sora. And I'll repay her anyway, the breeding season isn't that far anymore, eggs are on their way.

All of a sudden Sora spoke, breaking Del's confused thoughts. "Something bothering you?"

"Huh no.." Del looked at her eyes, she already could guess he was lying. "Okay's just, I feel bad for not giving any time to Lucy. Both of you are so important to me, but I can't balance out time."

"I get you...when I'd just arrived, all you ever did was interact to Lucy. Now it's just vice versa. Even I think Lucy deserves your attention, she isn't a bad human, I saw enough to know that."

"You think so? That's great! I knew she'd change your mind!"

"Well its only her who's good. But what if we talk facing her? That way you'd give me all time, as well as Lucy. She won't understand whether were talking to her or not anyway."

"Sora that would be perfect!!" Del said in a amazed voice. He should have thought of that long ago! "How could I never think of that? Sora you're so amazing!"

The plan was a huge success. As Sora said, Lucy had no idea that they were still not talking to her. Now, that everything was balanced, Del was at peace.

Who knew that this peace was about to diminish soon?


OwO they're all happy it seems.

But do you know what authors do?

We d e s t r o y it.

So I shall do so.

See you:)!

Chapters on Wednesdays and Sundays.


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