𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓: 𝐀𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞

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Aurelia was not joking when she said Professor Runecrest was strict

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Aurelia was not joking when she said Professor Runecrest was strict. During the first class, as any nervous student would do, I was bouncing my leg, obviously nervous. Right away she scorned me, which only made me more jittery. That will be the last time I bring any attention to myself.

It especially was nerve wracking watching Larissa and her friends I suppose they are, observe me. Her friends didn't do or say anything else to me though. It may be that they are not unkind, unlike a certain girl I know. I will just have to wait and find out.

"I'm exhausted," I sigh, at lunch. "Me too." Karina takes a bite of her sandwich and says, "But I'm always tired." "At least we don't have a gym class," Aurelia shrugs. Karina makes a face and says, "Yeah, running around for classes is practically gym."

"After today, we'll be home free!" Magnolia says reassuringly. That really is a relief. I knew it was going to be difficult, I really did. I just did not expect it to be so dependent on my feet. I feel like I don't get any time to relax.

Last night, for instance, I was horribly busy struggling to catch up to my classes that we slept at two am. At home, I always have a thoughtful sleeping schedule. I am not sure if that's possible here.

By we, I mean me and Aurelia. She offered to help me in my classes at first, handing me notes, helping me situate myself. She's so kind. It was strange though. As the night grew longer for us, I didn't want to go to bed despite my fatigue. I wanted to stay up with her and just talk, about anything. It must have been my tired mind at work, I thought. But this morning, I felt the exact same way; thinking about how lovely it would be to talk to Aurelia in the carefree manner we did while we were cleaning my closet. I'm sure we will have the chance to talk tonight, finally.

"A nap this afternoon looks to be on my to-do list," Karina says dreamingly. "Hey, we have a party to attend to, so don't be taking that long of a nap," Magnolia laughs. "Party or not, I am taking my nap."

"Excited for your first Pradella Academy party?" Magnolia asks, looking at me. "I'm not sure," I say, quietly. I'm not nervous about attending the party. In fact, I'm quite eager to hang out with my friends. Suri and Aurelia assures me enough that I'm not worried about that. Yet, I'm still concerned about one thing.

"What are the boys like?" I ask. "The boys?" Karina asks, lifting her head off the wood table. "They're not huge troublemakers," Magnolia carefully says. "Most of the time," she adds. "They're just normal boys," Karina shrugs.

"Okay," I quietly say. "Bad experience?" Magnolia carefully asks, not wanting me to make me uncomfortable. "No," I gently shake me head. "Just boys acting like boys, I suppose." I stay quiet for a second before saying, "The only boy I knew who might have been decent was my sister's ex-boyfriend, but I'm sure everyone knows how that went."

The poor guy. He was right to have left her.

"I've had my share," Karina says, continuing to eat her sandwich. "Personally, it's better not to get associated with them," Suri advises. "Because it's against the rules?" Magnolia asks.

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