𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟔: 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡

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The professor, whose name I still have yet to learn, hands a small water bottle towards me

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The professor, whose name I still have yet to learn, hands a small water bottle towards me. I slowly reach out to take it. As I feel the coldness of the water, I suddenly realize how hot I am.

I reach up to my face and wipe away more of my tears. My face is a sloppy mess. I've been crying for continuously for half an hour, just wiping my tears uselessly as new ones appear.

The professor leans against the bus strap in front of me, leaning her head on her hand, keeping the confrontation casual. "Now, tell me again what happened," she quietly demands.

Since I've sat on this bus, I've been trying to explain to the professor what has happened, but I keep bursting into tears every time I do. I tried to help Aurelia, but now she's just even more upset. I made it worse, so much worse.

Instead of being strict as she previously was, the professor's demeanor had changed to a patient and calm one. She gathered up Aurelia and I and brought us over to the busses. A few other students are waiting outside. That's why I'm sitting at the edge of the seat. I don't want anyone to see me.

For the past few minutes, the professor has been carefully trying to piece together the events. Unfortunately, I'm barely any help since I just keep crying as I struggle to tell her my account of the events. Still, she hasn't accused or threatened me.

The professor uses her hands to indicate me to take a deep breath. I let out a sharp exhale, my breath shaking as I let it out. I fiddle with the water bottle in my hands before starting.

"Aurelia was trying to get through to refill her popcorn, but a student from Thaxted High stopped her. I overheard her getting angry because Aurelia had stepped on her shoes, but I hadn't seen the incident."

I take another deep breath as I feel the tears threatening to break through again. I need to stop crying. I'm never going to get back off this bus if I can't clear things up.

"She was saying rude things to Aurelia, homophobic comments," I finish, seeing this as the end. "And after that?" the professor provoked me to continue speaking. "I tried to stand up for her, Aurelia, and then she tried to punch us. I guess she walked too close to the edge and lost her balance."

The professor slowly nods, taking all of this in. "Did you lay your own hands on her?" I shake my head, hoping she believes my side of the story. "And did you touch you or Aurelia?" I shake my head again. "But she did attempt to physically hurt you?" I nod this time.

She may not have gotten to us physically, but she has most certainly gotten to us mentally. I can't imagine what Aurelia must be feeling right now. I turn towards the window, knowing Aurelia is sitting on one of the benches by the edge of bus, her own questioner occurring as we speak.

"Thank you, Odette." The professor stands up straight and says, "I appreciate your cooperation." She starts to head back towards the front of the bus, but lingers beside. She nods her head towards the water bottle, the condensation wetting all my fingers. "Please drink some water." With her final piece of advice, she continues on her short trip to exit the bus.

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