What happened to Ron Weasley

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It had taken two hours for Hermione to get ready so far. She had been adding final touches to her makeup when Ginny Weasley walked through the door looking as stunning as ever. Hermione's roommates had gone to the Ravenclaw tower to get ready, so no one had seen her as of yet.

"Bloody hell, Hermione." Ginny stood in the doorway gaping at her.

"What? Is something wrong? Did I mess something up?" She asked starting to panic at thought, she had already spent so much time getting ready.

"No, no. You just—you look hot, Hermione." She said with the start of a smirk.

"Oh," Hermione replied face flushing a few shades darker than her blush as she turned back to her mirror.

"You are going to be the most hated girl in school tomorrow." The ginger spoke eying her friend like a vulture, while walking to stand behind her

"Hated? Why would I be hated?" She asked as Ginny fixed some rouge pieces of her unruly curls.

"Because all of the boys, and some of the girls will not be able to take their eyes off of you, all their dates will hate you for stealing their spotlight for the night.tuggedle tugging the corners of her mouth.

tskedne 'tsk'ed at Ginny's words.

"Believe what you want Granger, but, you will be the prettiest girl there."

"Thanks, Gin. You look quiet stunning yourself, Neville is a lucky man." Hermione tried changing the subject from herself.

"Speaking of dates," well, that strategy failed, Hermione thought. "you never said who yours was," Ginny hinted suggestively raising her eyebrows.

"Well, I suppose you will find out soon enough anyway. It is Viktor Krum." She tried to hide her cheeky grin.

"Krum!?" Ginny yelled looking taken aback. "You are going to the Yule Ball with Victor Krum, one of the best seekers known to date, and you kept it a secret?"

"Sorry, Gin. It's just that-" she stopped taking a deep breath. "that . . . some people would react negatively and I didn't want to cause a scene."

"By some people you mean my entirely idiotic brother?" She asked raising herand  eyebrows meeting Hermione's eyes in the mirror in front of her.

"Pretty much, yes." Hermione answered letting out a shaky breath.

"Well, he is an idiot, and will feel like a complete moron when he sees you tonight. So, let's put this beautiful blue dress on you and get you to your Bulgarian prince, Cinderella." She beamed with a cheeky grin holding up Hermione's dress to help her step into it.

"It is periwinkle actually" Hermione corrected as Ginny helped zip up the back of her dress.

"Well, it is stunning."

Hermione sat on the bed and slipped on her heels -she thought she might regret wearing them later, she had never really cared for heels but looking at herself in the mirror they made her dress pop, she looked perfect.

"Holy shit." Ginny said breathlessly.

"What now, Ginny?"

"You just keep getting hotter and hotter" She said circling Hermione. "I mean it, it's unfair."

Hermione blushed all over looking at herself in the mirror. She did look different. She could see the curves of her bust and the pinch of her waist that flared out to the roundness that came with her hips and bum. She was taller due to the heels and her honey legs looked longer. Her facial features darkened and exaggerated due to the makeup, made her look older. Even she believed that she looked pretty, she always thought she looked average or nice, but tonight she looked lovely.

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