It was you?

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Things started to fall into place as Theo continued to talk, sitting on Hermione's bed. Memories flashed in her head. 'Theo's' eyes flashing in the books store when she saw them and how that now seemed so familiar to how Malfoy's eyes flashed at her, or Malfoy's remark on her clumsiness. More connections in her brain continued. She was convinced that it was him in the bookstore. She left her room, leaving the supplies she had to go up to get. As well as leaving Theo, looking at her with perplexity as she walked to the stairs.

She stopped at the last step to look out over the sitting area. Blaise and Ginny now sat on the couch alone still talking as animatedly as ever, while Malfoy had moved over to sit on the couch next to Pansy.

Draco looked up at the new movement expecting to find Theo, however, his eyes met a red-faced determined Hermione. The two had made contact and she stalked over towards him. He gulped. He didn't know why she was upset but it was terrifying. He had stopped mid-sentence while talking to Pansy so she now stared wide-eyed at the annoyed fizzy-haired girl.

"Grang-" Malfoy said as she got closer but was cut off by a wave of Hermione's hand to tell him to stop taking.

"When we're you going to tell me?" The conversation between Blaise and Ginny had stopped and now they both looked between the two. "When were you going to tell me that you were Theo in Flourish and Blotts?"

Draco opened his mouth to say something but the words never came out so she continued. "I mean what was the point? Did you just want to be an arse and hold it over my head or something like that?"

"How- who told you?" Pansy interjected in Hermione's one-sided conversation.

"I was talking to Theo upstairs, he asked me something and it- wait, why didn't you tell me? I have been with you all day." Draco had stood to walk past Hermione when she said 'Theo' and 'upstairs' but she stopped him.

"Where are you going?" She asked grabbing his bicep.

"To kill Theo." He said clenching his jaw.

"No. You are going to sit here and explain. You don't get to just get up and walk away." She said flashing a sneer at him. Though that wasn't the reason he was mad he didn't care that she knew, it was 'Theo' and 'upstairs'.

At that point Theo walked down the stairs to see Ginny looking particularly confused, Blaise looking at Theo with his eyebrows raised almost to his hairline, and Pansy with a slightly annoyed scowl. When his eyes finally landed on Draco and Hermione, Draco was practically seething looking at Hermione, while Hermione had a tight grip on Draco's arm, glaring at him.

"What did I miss?" Theo asked from the bottom of the stairs. Everyone's eyes flew to him. All the faces flashed with slight fear, everyone but Draco of course, his face deepened in anger. That is when Blaise shot up from the couch grabbed Ginny's arm, headed to Theo, grabbed his arm and head for the portrait signaling Pansy to leave as well, she stood and speed out behind the others.

Hermione let go of Malfoy's arm with a light shove and glared at him still. "Explain."

"It doesn't matter." He said backing away, coming to a voice of calm.

"No? Then why the hell did you not tell me if 'It doesn't matter'?" Her anger bubbled beneath the surface of her skin.

"Why do you care?" Draco straightens himself fully. He was much taller than he was in fourth year, that or Hermione had shrunk because now he towered over her about 10-12 inches taller, he must have been 6'3.

"Because I wouldn't have-" but he cut her off.

"Wouldn't have what, Granger? You wouldn't have yelled at your arsehole of a boyfriend for saying that shit?" Not entirely hearing her.

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