Round 1

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October 2, 1998

Hermione groaned when a pounding followed by Ginny's voice sounded through the door of her room. The next thing she knew the door was creaking open then a body slammed down onto hers.

"Come on Hermione wake up!" Ginny yelled shaking Hermione. "It is game day!"

"Get off me Gin." Hermione groaned into her pillow unable to move. Ginny then stood off the bed and Hermione sat up.

Ginny was already in her red and yellow Gryffindor jersey. "Come on Granger, step to it. The game starts in an hour and we are leaving in half that time."

"But what about breakfast?" Hermione scratched her frizzy curls.

"Eat it there." Ginny stood looking at Hermione while she yawned, before grabbing her arm and pulling her from the bed. "Come on!" Ginny shouted.

"If you keep yelling I am going to were Slytherin green."

Before Ginny could protest a voice sounded from the doorway. "You should we're green anyway Granger." Malfoy said with a smirk. He was also in his quidditch uniform. The green made his eyes a brighter grey almost a clear white, he also seemed to have grown even taller since the last time she saw him.

"And why would she do that?" Ginny countered.

"Because it would make her look like she was cheering for the winning team Weaselette." His eyes were still stuck on Hermione as he spoke. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, she must have looked a mess, face puffy from sleep and hair frizzy from going to sleep with it damp, but his eyes seemed to gleam with an unknown emotion, something they did often when he looked at her.

"She is not wearing green Ferret," Ginny scolded the blonde.

"Would you two leave so I can change?" Hermione said rubbing more sleep from her eyes. Ginny grumbled walking out of the room and sticking her tongue out at Malfoy. He grabbed her door handle moving to close it, but before he did, Malfoy mouthed 'wear green', smirked, then shut the door.

Hermione giggled to herself imagining the reactions of certain people if they saw her wearing green at a Slytherin Gryffindor match.

Hermione quickly dressed, then glanced in the mirror, her hair was wilder than normal. She sighed grabbing her wand, casting two glamours on the frizz that only seemed to make her hair coil tighter, not tame. She rolled her eyes, walking out of the room with her hair only slightly smaller than before.

She slowly walked down the stairs to find the room had exploded in chaos. Ginny was on Malfoy's back trying to grab something from his hand that was outstretched towards the ceiling while Blaise, Charlie, and Theo were doubled over in laughter. Pansy seemed oblivious to the commotion, pouring three cups of coffee into the muggle thermos'.

Hermione walked over to Pansy, not catching anyone's eye.

"What is going on?" Hermione whispered.

"Draco took Ginny's lucky pin." Pansy laughed, turning to hold out a thermos to Hermione. "For you."

"Where did you get these?" She asked examining the cup.

"Draco had them." She said absently topping the other two.

"But they are muggle." Hermione mumbled to herself before she could delve to heavily into thought Ginny called her.

"Hermione!" Ginny yelled reaching up again trying to get the pin from Malfoy's outstretched arm. "Would- ugh— would you help me get this please!" Ginny sounded frustrated.

Hermione put down the thermos before she walked over, Ginny still thrashing on Malfoy's back. Once she was face to face with Malfoy she held out her hand expectedly, before looking up into his eyes. They were bright and fire-fueled, the corners crinkled by his smile that he was heaving through exasperatedly.

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