Tattoos and Alcohol

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SEPTEMBER 19, 1998

Apparerating to muggle London in the middle of the day, in night clothes made Hermione feel slightly uncomfortable, especially with the amount of eyes on them, considering they apparated to a park but Hermione tried to ignore them.

The odd group of eight made their way down the streets, following George to a store front named 'Tatu Society'.

"Big party," a man from behind the counter said. "Reservation?" He asked looking around.

"George Weasley." George answered walking up to the counter as Hermione looked at the wall of tattoos sketches.

"Do you know what you are going to get?" Blaise asked from beside her.

"I wanted a flower of sorts, like maybe sunflowers but I don't know where to get it." She explained.

"What about here?" He asked pointing to the bicep of her right arm. "You don't have any there."

"Maybe." She considered the idea looking in a mirror on the wall at her bare arm. "Are you going to get one?"

"Don't think so."

"Why not, Ginny is." Hermione countered.

"I'm what?" Ginny asked walking up to the pair.

"Getting a tattoo," Hermione ginned. "Of my choosing."

"Why the hell would I-"

"When you dragged me out to drink a few days before we left, you said- and I quote 'if you remember this on your birthday I will let you pick my first tattoo'" Hermione corrected and Ginny cringed.

"I had hoped that you'd forget."

"Nope, and I was thinking," she turned back to the wall tapping her chin. "Oh- I know, this." She pointed to a sketch of small moon and sun tattoo.

Ginny looked at it for a moment before looking to the eager eyes of Hermione. "And where am I getting it?"

"Right," Hermione moved back Ginny's hair to expose her shoulder blade, pointing to its center. "Here"

"Okay." Ginny huffed torn between exasperation and hidden curiosity.

"Maybe I should get one." Blaise commented.

"Yeah?" Ginny asked seductively causing Blaise to flash his eyes towards the red head, before he began to ask her for suggestions.

Hermione turned to ask Pansy if she would get one but noticed that she was talking to Charlie, so her eyes floated to Malfoy. His silver eyes gazing apprehensively at the wall.

"Thinking about getting one?" Hermione asked walking to stand next to him. He side eyed her for a moment before looking back to the wall.

"One day, but not today." He responded dryly.

"Why not today?" She followed his eyes to a flower drawling on the wall. "What kind of flower is it?"

"Narcissus." He breathed. "My mum's favorite, she was named after them or rather the constellation but she always preferred the idea of being named after a flower."

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