Drinking with Gingers

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When the three got home the house was unnervingly quiet. Molly wasn't home yet, which they expected since the outreach program at the ministry was requiring her work more often recently. But there was no Ron, Harry, or Ginny insight. The two boys headed straight to the kitchen while Hermione went upstairs to her room to look for Ginny.

Pushing the door open Hermione heard a faint sniffing from inside. She looked over to see Ginny curled up on her bed crying into her hands.

"Ginny?" Hermione called out. "Hey, Gin what's wrong? What happened?" She asked in a soft voice.

Ginny looked up through her finger. "Hermione?" She asked voice cracking.

"Yeah, Gin. It's me, what happened?" Taking a seat next to Ginny.

"Harry and Ron left-" she cut off letting out a low sob and leaning into Hermione's open arms. "They left. They went to Grimmauld Place."

"Why Gin?" Hermione asked softly.

"After you left, I got into a fight with Harry about how he shouldn't take Ron's side, one thing lead to another and we- we broke up." She said as her whole body shook with sobs.

"Oh, Ginny I am so sorry," Hermione said holding her friend even closer.

"It's not your fault 'Mione," Ginny said slightly letting up on crying. "It is probably for the best right now anyway. With me going back to school and Harry having to travel for Auror training."

"But that doesn't make it any easier," Hermione said thickly. "Do you want me to get you anything?"

"No, can you just stay with me?" She asked quietly.

"Of course," Hermione mumbled while turning to lie down with Ginny. They feel asleep in a tangle of limbs and hair.

Waking up the next day with Ginny still in her arms Hermione had to slowly shift off the bed to make sure not to wake Ginny. She had fallen asleep in her clothes from the previous day so she went over to the dresser to pick out a new outfit.

After getting changed Hermione headed downstairs to the kitchen for coffee. Walking in she saw George and Charlie talking leaning against the kitchen counter. They stopped once she entered the room.

"Morning, love," Charlie said. It had originally been a joke for him to call her that but now turned into a habit.

"Morning." She said taking the mug from George.

"Where did you go last night? You said you were going to look for Ginny but never came back down. Mom had gone up to ask if you two wanted dinner but came down and said that it would be best to leave you two alone." George asked taking a sip of coffee.

"Ron and Harry moved to Grimmauld Place," Hermione said bluntly.

"What?" Both boys exclaimed in unison.

"Apparently, Ron didn't want to stay here with me anymore so he asked Harry if he could stay there. Then Ginny and Harry got into a fight and ended up breaking up so he went there with Ron." She replied.

"Why did they break up?" Charlie asked.

"Ginny said that it was because Harry was taking Ron's side of the argument that Ron and I had, or at least that is how they started arguing," Hermione said.

"Wow, that is. . ." Charlie said.

"Yeah," George said nodding his head.


For the next two weeks before school Ginny primary kept to her room. It wasn't until two nights before they were leaving that she came downstairs.

"Guys! We are going to a bar!" She exclaimed at the landing.

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