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Friday, September 23, 1998

Neither Hermione nor Malfoy made any attempt to reconcile after their argument from a few days prior, resulting in Hermione's beginning stages of panic. They need to start brewing the Golden potion or they wouldn't have it done in time.

Sucking back all her anger and emotions, she walked downstairs to the couch were he was sitting. He looked peaceful, as the early morning summer light hit his pale skin. He hadn't looked up from his book upon her entrance so Hermione cleared her throat, in an attempt to get his attention but that failed as well.

"Malfoy." She said coyly.

We're did all that Gryffindor bravery go?

"Granger." He replied stiffly, still looking at his book.

"Can we talk about our potions project?" She asked straight to the point.

He snapped his book shut with an audible smacking of papers. "What do you want to talk about?"

"We need to start the Golden potion today, or it won't be done in time."

"Okay, fine, we can work on it after lunch, alchemy was canceled."

"Okay." She turned to walk away, but stopped her self from running away, so she turned back. His eyes were trained on her already. "I want to set some ground rules." She stated walking towards the couch opposite him.

His eyebrows lifted and he had a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"Wipe that look off your face or I will dye your hair red."

"If you did that then maybe you would be attracted to me— considering you have a thing for those ginger nutters— and that would be tragic." He leaned back into the couch.

"I don't have a thing for gingers." She stated narrowing her eyes. "I have been told quidditch players but- that's not important" she stopped herself. "I have rules for this."

"Go on then Granger." He rubbed his forehead roughly.

"To start, we have to work together we need to compromise on issues."

"If you will let yourself-"

"Don't talk. I am not done." She cut off coldly. "Two, we stick to the time line, we do not differ from it. Three, we will not hex each other if we fight."

"Your the one who broke my nose. Twice." He countered.

A small smirk played at the corners of her lips but she fought it. "I explained the first one and the second time was an accident."

"Right." He rolled his eyes.

"Don't be a prick." She scolded. "And four, if we fight over something, we can't let anyone know. Pansy had been bugging me for the last two days about how annoying it is the we weren't taking— not we talked a lot before but. . ." She trailed off.

"I don't know about that last one, Granger. Fighting is our specialty." He breathed an easy laugh. "Especially public ones."

She let a snicker pass her lips while shaking her head. "Yeah," she stood walking back up to her room to change into her uniform. "Oh and Malfoy?" She turned back to him.


"If you ever call me a cunt again, I will cut both your dick and balls off and feed them to the giant squid." His eyes went wide for a moment, she had unnerved him with the way he adjusted in his seat. She smiled to herself walking up the stairs.


"Thank Salazar we can you two stopped your fight." Pansy huffed slinging her arm around Hermione's shoulders, as she looked between Hermione and Malfoy while they walked adjacent to one another.

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