The Way Home

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*A/N: I didn't think about it until after I posted the last chapter, so here is Hermione and Draco going back to the Head Dorm entirely drunk.*
It is a short scene.

"Can you two walk back okay?" Charlie called, arm slung around Pansy's shoulders. Blaise and Ginny had already left with Theo.

"We," Hermione giggled. "Will be fine." Waving him off playfully linking arms with Malfoy, her haze of drunkenness making her bold. The pair walked away from the rest of the group towards the stairs laughing as they went.

"Wait— wait remember when that one girl was coming onto Oliver and—" Malfoy laughed outright loudly, doubling in a fit. "And- and then George grabbed his by his face and snogged him senseless."

"And—" she laughed bracing herself by grabbing Malfoy's side. "And then she asked if they would both go home with her." They both cackled climbing the stairs, Malfoys arm now dangling over her shoulders.

"And the look on Weasley's face was priceless."

"He looked like she had asked him to eat dragon dung."

They stopped talking and a moment of silence landed around them. They both glanced at each other making eye contact and instantly breaking out into another fit of laughter.

"Caput Draconis." Hermione bellowed as they reached the portrait, spilling into the room.

Stumbling up the stairs still connected to Malfoy was a struggle. When she finally reached the top stair she hadn't lifted her shoe enough to properly take a step, her boot caught and she began to fall forward.

Luckily Malfoy was there, he twisted to catch her out of pure instinct but the quick motion mixed with the alcohol, disoriented both causing them to tumble to the floor in an ungraceful heap.

Once landed, both laughed even harder stumbling to stand. They laughed until they reached her bedroom door, opening it she moved to walk in but a hand caught her wrist turning her. Now facing Malfoy.

Stooping quickly he placed a slow kiss on her cheek. Hermione stilled, even in her drunken state she was shocked, so shocked she felt sober as his soft lips caressed her cheek. She stilled completely, a huge rush of blood to her face turned her beat red.

Lips still brushing her cheek Malfoy mumbled. "Happy birthday, Granger." Before pulling back winking at her and walking to his own room shutting the door behind himself.

Hermione stood on the threshold of her room completely still for several moments. The haze of the alcohol returned from her adrenaline rush. She knew that the moment wasn't normal. She knew that it shouldn't be right. But it felt so good, how could something like that be wrong?

She shouldn't have liked it... right?

She didn't like it. She stated in her mind, but that was a lie, she really liked it.

A/N: I wanted to mention Draco's tattoo as well. Someone from the previous chapter commented on how Narcissa was named after the constellation Narcissus rather than the flower. I had seen a fan theory a while back that said Narcissa was the only Black family member that wasn't named after a constellation and I liked it, so I am going to keep that idea.

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