First Snow

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November 20, 1998

Nineteen days. Four-hundred and fifty-six hours. Twenty-seven-thousand three hundred and sixty minutes since Hermione and Draco began their relationship. Not that Hermione was counting. She wasn't. Wouldn't. She wasn't one of those girls who obsess over things like that.

... She was losing it, or rather, finding herself in Draco. She hadn't quite figured it out yet. What they were, outside boyfriend and girlfriend— terms that made her feel like a giddy fifteen-year-old.

She liked him. Liked him a lot. Liked how he knew her body and mind so well in just nineteen days. But, she had to admit it, even against her Gryffindor ideals she was scared. This was the one time she felt like she couldn't count on bravery. Bravery can't protect against the unknown.

What she did know, however, was how much she loved sleeping in his bed. With him. His arms surrounding her. But this morning was a little different.

"Draco!" Hermione squealed as she was lifted from the bed and thrown over Draco's shoulder.

Draco silently carried Hermione out of their dorm down to the ground floor, ignoring her half-hearted attempts to get away from him. She stopped trying to move about the second floor allowing Draco to carry her to the courtyard.

"What are you-" Hermione cut off when Draco dropped her down to the floor. She gasped. "It snowed?"

"It snowed Granger." He had stooped to whisper in her ear.

The school's courtyard was caked in a thick layer of snow. It hadn't been shoved yet nor had any muddy shoes graced its gleam. It was whimsical.

Hermione bolted forward into the powdery ice. Her sock-clad feet stomping in the cold. She turned back to look at Draco a wide smile plastered on her face.

Draco simply stared at her for a handful of moments before he rushed forward picking her up and slamming his lips into hers. Hermione's legs instinctively wrapped around his waist as her arms locked around his neck.

Hermione hungrily returned the fevered kiss. Their teeth nipping and tongues dancing together. Hermione pulled back seeing their mingled breath turn to steam around them.

"Let's go inside I am cold," Hermione spoke with a mischievous smirk on her lips.

"Yeah," Draco answered as he craned his neck forward to kiss Hermione again. When he pulled back from her lips he began walking quickly back up to their dorm, not letting her feet touch the floor.

Draco immediately made his way to his room throwing Hermione on the bed. Their lips locked as Draco climbed on top of Hermione.

"As hot as this is, I need to talk to your boyfriend, Granger." Drawled a voice from the corner of Draco's room.

Hermione screamed looking over to see Theo sitting at Draco's bay window.

"What are you doing here mate?" Draco asked looking down to make sure Hermione was completely covered and he hadn't unconsciously removed any of her clothes.

Hermione, however, asked. "You know?"

Theo decided to answer the ladder. "Of course I know. I have known since the day you snorted your tea on yourself." Theo gestured to her as she tried to sit up from under Draco.

"Really?" Hermione asked in disbelief.

"Please," Theo rolled his eyes. "The star-crossed lovers who have been smitten with each other for four years finally get together and you think that I didn't realize. Pansy suspects but-"

"Wait," Hermione stops him. "What?"

Theo looked between the two slowly, the semi-horrified look in Hermione's eyes and the utter surprise mixed with anger blooming Draco's explained what he just revealed.

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