Abandoned Corridors

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Saturday, October 7, 1998

The week went by seemingly uneventfully, Malfoy never spoke about Daphne and Adrian's kids to anyone but Hermione, but he had a lot of questions. However, most of his questions seemed to be aimed toward her opinions rather than the actual situation. By Saturday however, he was done asking questions.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Hermione had written letters to several lawyers and justice groups on how to dissolve the decree. She had found out that it was named The Order Justice Decree. She was livid at the name, she had even sent a howler to Kingsley detesting using the Order of the Phoenix's name for such an unlawful decree, she had fumed in her room for several hours.

But now, on a crisp October morning, Hermione stood in the kitchen talking to Pansy, drinking coffee.

"Morning," Malfoy grumbled walking down the stairs.

"Morning." Pansy and Hermione chirped. He stopped in his tracks peering at them through narrowed eyes.

"Why the fuck are you two so cheerful?" He walked to pour a mug of coffee.

"Because we are going to Hogsmeade!" Pansy squealed nearly jumping up and down next to Hermione.

Malfoy took a long dramatic sip. "You mean we have to meet at Hogshead again." He stated glumly.

"No," Hermione countered, Malfoy's brow rose. "We are going as a group, all of us."


"The main reason we didn't before was that Ron would freak out and I didn't want to deal with it but quite frankly I don't give a shit anymore and he can go suck a cock." Hermione shrugged.

"To Weasel sucking a cock!" Pansy roared raising her mug and earning a laugh from both Malfoy and Hermione.

"When are we leaving?" Malfoy asked with the ghost of a smile on his lips, a not-so-common occurrence that Hermione often liked to savor, however, she didn't know exactly why. Maybe it was that she hadn't seen it grace his features since he was a kid or maybe because it was the most attractive he had seemed to be.

Wait. Attractive? No, that is not what she thought Malfoy was, they were just friends. She could of course recognize that he was relatively handsome, but his smile just changed his face to something completely different, something that drew her in. Something that made her nerves flare in heat contracting her muscles.

"We are leaving in an hour." Pansy announced pulling Hermione from her ramped thoughts.


"Does your color pallet just contain black and white?" Hermione asked walking into Malfoy in the hallway between their rooms.

"No," he said somberly. "I have some hues of grey." A grin broke out on his lips.

"Well," Hermione swiped her wand in his direction smirking at the result. His once black jumper had now turned a deep burgundy, rivaling that of a Gryffindor. Hermione then giggled at the sight.

"Granger I am going to," he started but had begun to move towards her, he made a move to grab her but she bolted down the stairs with a squeal.

Hermione laughed as she ran to the other side of the couch, putting the large furniture between them. He snarled when he made a move toward her and she moved around the couch. He would lunge and so would she. It was like a cat chasing its tail.

"Gods why am I." He finally stopped, quickly pulling out his wand and changing her jumper to smooth emerald green.

"Hey!" Hermione yelped. "I liked the color of this jumper."

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