Potions Project

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Wednesday, September 20, 1998

"Wait," Theo paused. "say that again."

"You heard me the first time, Nott." Draco drawled.

"No, I think I had an aneurysm. Say it again." Theo  repeated.

They were sitting in the slytherin common room with Pansy. Draco sat on an overstuffed armchair while Pansy and Theo sat on one of the black leather couches

"I kissed her cheek last night, and told her Happy Birthday." Grinding his teeth together.

"That is good, isn't it?"

"Yes," "No." Pansy and Draco answered at the same time.

"You made a move." Pansy scolded him.

"I don't think she even remembers it, I am surprised I remembered it."

"Well you are still here and you haven't been hexed yet so that is good." Theo commented. "What did she say this morning?"

"I erm-" Draco stuttered.

"You avoided her didn't you?" Pansy rolled her eyes when he nodded, muttering "Men." Under her breath.

"Speaking of which," Theo turned to Pansy. "How was your night with Weasley?"

Pansy flushed. "We aren't taking about me right now, we are talking about Draco." Both boys narrowed their eyes at her. "It was good, okay?" Both glared, glancing at each other.

"If he ever-" Theo started.

"Don't be so over-fucking-protective. Merlin. I am a big girl I can handle my own feelings. I am not like blondie over here." She jabbed her thumb to Draco.

Draco looked offended. "I can handle my-"

"Don't finish that sentence mate, we all know it is not true." Theo cut him off.

"You two are fucking impossible."

"Oh, we are impossible?" Pansy arched her brows. "We aren't the ones who have been pining over one person since third year, and only just now admitted it. Not to mention you lived with the sodding women for almost a month and the biggest move you made was a drunken kiss on the cheek."

Malfoy simply scoffed. He knew she was right but didn't want to admit it. He checked his watch.

"Shit. I have to get to class." He muttered standing slinging his bag over his shoulder before turning to leave the slytherin common room.

"Draco." He stopped a few paces away from the exit not facing Pansy. "The war is over, stop fighting. She doesn't hate you."

He didn't answer, he simply walked out of the room not giving either a second glance.


Walking into potions with Ginny and Blaise, Hermione looked to the chalk board.

You must pair with someone of an opposite house for the continuation of the semester.

Turning towards Blaise in hopes to work with him but he was already sitting at a workspace with Ginny. There were only a few random not yet paired Gryffindors and Ravenclaws that she did not know left in the room, which went against the rules for half so she stood looking around the class.

She saw a flash of white blonde walk through the door. Most of the other students in the room must have noticed too because they all scurried to get paired. His grey orbs glanced at the board, then to Hermione, then around the class. His shoulders slumped, and Hermione thought she could have seen him sigh.

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