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The VIP guest arrives. I immediately rush up the stairs and close the door before hearing the front door open. Then I hear several of the girls there shrieking like fangirls. I wonder why they're shrieking like that. It must be someone famous. I guess there's no way of knowing. I immediately grab my notebook, my pens, and colored pencils and begin to draw. After half an hour, I come out with the logo BILLIE EILISH with triangles behind the letters, a Blohsh in the far right corner, fire sticking out from the notebook's spirals, and a lime-green background. I smile at the final result, knowing that this is one of my best works that I've created makes me feel good. I'm definitely going to keep it safe and make sure nobody touches it.

I hear the door behind me open. I turn around and see Melissa, one of my close friends here, with a plate of bacon and eggs. She walks over to me and sets it down on the desk.

"Thanks," I say.

"No problem," she says. "I know you didn't get to eat yet, and I wasn't hungry this morning, so I heated it up in the microwave and decided to bring it up to you. You must be starving!" She points to my drawing. "That's really good! You know that she's here, right?"

"Thank you. Wait, who's here?"

She points again to my drawing. "Billie's here, looking to adopt someone. Everyone's acting like a fake fan towards her. She's literally asked them the same question: 'What's your favorite song by me?' And do you know what they all replied?" I shake my head. "They all replied 'Bad Guy.' She knows they're fake. She came to me, I told her I didn't have a favorite. And then, I told her about you."

I look at her, mouth slightly open. "What do you mean you told her about me? Isn't that against the rules?"

"Well, yeah. But I don't think you could've lasted much longer here. And so I told her about your situation — in private, of course; I didn't want Mr. Brown to hear or he'd kill both of us. And she looked really shocked and gave me a sad look and everything as I continued to talk about your situation and what's been happening around here."

"You risked getting in trouble to try and help me?" I asked, feeling dumbfounded.

"Yeah. I care about you, Brooke. I want to help you."

I give her a small smile. "Thanks, Melissa."

At that moment, we hear footsteps walking up the stairs, and then Mr. Brown looks at me, his face red. 

"Brooke, go pack your things."

A/N: The drawing up above by Brooke is something I did last night. The fire looks like a little creature with the two holes being eyes. And the Blohsh is deformed since I ran out of room but oh well. It sucks but that's what it is.

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