eighteen >>> Raven

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Whispers are heard from up the stairs

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Whispers are heard from up the stairs. My eyes glance over my shoulder to Abby and Jackson who examine Raven's head. I, on the other hand, stay below with Raven watching over her. She was hyper. Too hyper. After the seizure something must have triggered something inside of her and now she won't even sit down. She's too busy working out the problem with the rocket to even bother to do anything else.

"There's a flight simulator built into the rocket's software," Raven said keeping her eyes on the computer monitors before barely glancing in Abby and Jackson's direction. "Get this hair net off me so I can strap in and give her a whirl!"

"Not yet, Raven. Keep doing what you're doing. This is important," Abby responds back. A low sigh escapes my lips watching Raven. Her eyes stay focused as she taps and types away at the monitors. I stand up from where I was seated and uncross my arms, walking towards her examining what she was doing.

"You okay?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the monitors rather than her.

"I feel better than okay, Y/N!" Raven exclaimed. I pick up my head and look to her. Our eyes lock and she gives me a small smile. "I feel great. Better than I have in a very long time." The girl backs up from the monitors. My eyes follow her as she turns and walks to the rocket. I follow slowly walking up the stairs with her as she begins checking the rocket. I don't say anything further. I might as well see what Abby says about Raven's brain before anything more. So I tear my eyes from Raven and look up to where Abby and Jackson are seeing Abby coming down the stairs just as I see Raven pass me and head back down the stairs.

"There's no fuel in the tank, but we have plenty of hydrazine back in Arkadia. We can have it here in a day," Raven says, walking up to Abby.

"Okay, Raven. I need you to slow down," Abby says. I slowly make my way down the stairs.

"Ha! Slow down? You're kidding me, right? Abby, we have a rocket. We have to go to space and make Nightblood-" Raven takes a hold of Abby's hand and brings her over to where I stand and a little pass. I walk towards Jackson and stand beside him, watching Raven wrap her arm around Abby as they look up to the rocket. "It's a-- it's a two-seater, by the way. I drive. You cook. Sound like a plan?"

A sigh escapes Abby's lips as she pulls away, Raven's arm drops down to her side as the two look to one another. "Listen to me-" Abby pauses a second reaching up and taking the device off of Raven's head. "Heightened mental ability, hallucinations, euphoria, headaches-- it's all connected. A.L.I.E. warned you that the EMP would cause brain damage."

"Jasper was right. That's why no one else got an upgrade," Raven whispered causing me to tilt my head to the side.

"What are you talking about?" Both Abby and I asked at the same time. Raven looked back and forth between the two of us.

"For everyone else, Lexa and Y/N pulled the master kill switch. It-- it's like shutting down a program the right way. When the EMP fried my chip, it was more like cutting the power from the OS while the ram was still full," Raven explained looking to all of us.

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