the first letter

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I look like my mother...How I wish you could have been there when Marilla and Matthew came back to Blackmore Manor with a book that had belonged to my parents ! A gift from my father to my mother, and guess what ? She was a teacher ! Like what I want to become! And the best surprise of my life was at the end, my father had drawn a beautiful portrait of my beloved mother, and she had red hair!I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon to show it to you.I miss you already, and being separated from you is so hard... Now I would like to know... What was in the letter you left in my room, because in an excess of anger, believing that you didn't dare to face me to answer my letter (did you read it?), I tore it up before I knew what you wanted to tell me... 

Will you forgive me for this?I look forward to seeing you again as soon as possible,

With Love,


Satisfied with her letter, Anne kissed it, closed the envelope and left it on her table, promising to take it to the post office the next day before starting school in Queens, and she went to bed. _______________________________________

Gilbert was sitting on the train to Toronto and was still not over his emotions. Unbelieving it, he pinched his wrist, remembering seeing Anne do it, and the thought made him smile. Then it was true, it was really happening to him. Looking at his watch and reporting the distance he still had to go, he quickly fell asleep thinking of his Anne, promising before that to write to her as soon as he arrived in Toronto.

- A bit short to start with, I will try to make the next ones longer ( I promise it get longer)-

Anne Shirley Cuthbert... Bylthe - translationWhere stories live. Discover now