beginning of the university

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I still can't believe what happened today, I am definitely the happiest man in the world. And how lucky I was that day to meet your dear Diana on the train, so that she could tell me (with a bit of anger, which I admit I deserved) that you had given me a letter that said that... You loved me! I couldn't believe it, how could I not come across it if you left it at my place, I'll have to ask Bash when I write to her. Now that I understand the context better, I also understand what you expected from me when we received the exam results. However, one thing remains in my mind, have you read the letter I left you?

I think we can say that we are definitely good at getting into misunderstandings. All this settled, now I wish I could hold you in my arms and tell you that I love you. The days before we meet again are going to be very long, even though you will not leave my thoughts now.By the time you receive this letter you will have started your new adventure in Queens and I am sure you are doing great, as always.

With love,


Anne was reading quietly in bed wondering what Gilbert was doing, when Diana ran into the room holding a letter in her hand.

"- Anne! This is for you, and... it's from Toronto!"

Anne looked up at Diana and with a big smile she rushed over to read it.She was stunned, still not coming back that it was really to her that this love letter was addressed. Diana was always in front of her and just waiting to hear what she said.

"- So! What did he write to you?

- Oh," replied Anne, thinking about what she was going to tell Diana and what she was going to keep to herself, so already he didn't read the note I left him, that explains everything! And to think that I was angry with him, it wasn't the poor thing's fault... And then realising that it was thanks to Diana that Gilbert had come to see her before leaving, she handed him the letter. After all you can read it, and you were really angry with him on the train?

- When I found out he wasn't engaged, I had to tell him what I thought about how he had treated you!

- Oh Diana, I can never thank you enough for everything you do for me."

They hugged and laughed, when they heard the other girls going downstairs to go to dinner, they separated and went to dinner.

Anne loved her classes in Queens, she was learning so much! And after a few days and on the advice of her literature teacher, she had decided to advance her course and do one year instead of two, which was all the more work for her! She spent all her time there, and she told herself that it allowed her to think less about Gilbert and the fact that she missed him terribly. Because even though she really liked her classes, being away from Gilbert was much harder than she had imagined, she knew of course that it would be difficult but she thought that with her friends around her, especially Diana, and the classes she was passionate about, it would make it much harder.


When Gilbert received Anne's letter he was overjoyed, with this book she was happy, and he said to himself that if she looked like his mother, she must have had a radiant mother and that he understood where this light that Anne was spreading around her came from. He also smiled when he read that she had torn up her letter of rage, and that knowing her fiery character and the circumstances, it didn't really surprise him. He put the letter down and tried to go back to his medical books - it was so exciting - but he kept thinking about her, his Anne with an E, and he resolved to answer her rather than continue reading. It was late and he had already spent enough time there, and he didn't want to be sleep-deprived when it had only been a few days since he had started.Gilbert woke up the next morning, asleep on the sheet of paper he had started writing on. He sighed when he saw that he had drooled on it while he was asleep and started again, resolving to finish it and send it at all costs before leaving for class, and quickly looking at his watch, he would have time.

- Feel free to comment! I would like to have your opinions :) I will post the next one as soon as I can :)

Anne Shirley Cuthbert... Bylthe - translationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora