Fred's arrival

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Gillbert was determined to find a way to make Ruby feel better. He didn't leave the house, and spent his days immersed in his books, stopping only for a few minutes to eat, and sleep when his head was no longer on his shoulders. His conclusion was always the same, Ruby could not be cured by staying at home. He had read a recent study which showed that getting a lot of air into the lungs could improve the disease, and that fresh air often did the patient good. He decided to go to Ruby's parents, bringing them some honey, at least for the girl's cough.

He was nervous, but he really wanted to help his friend. He knocked, his hand trembling.

"Gilbert! What a surprise, we didn't expect to see you.

- Madam, Mr. Gillis, may I speak to you for a few moments?

- Of course, come in. The three of them sat down in the living room.

- How is Ruby? Gilbert began shyly.

- She's weak, she coughs a lot.

- Then take this," he said, handing them the honey, "it will help her with that. Now, I'd like to tell you briefly about a study on the subject that I found yesterday. Tuberculosis is treatable, you know, I

- Gilbert, told Mrs Gillis, Ruby's going to stay here, she's too weak to travel, and the disease is too advanced, the doctor told us.

- At least get her out into the fresh air, well dressed. Some fresh air will do her good. And think about it, it may not be too late for her if she can get enough strength to travel. Charlottetown is not so far away, and they have very good doctors at the hospital who can treat her properly.

- Thank you Gilbert, but she's staying here. We want to stay close to her.

- Goodbye, Mrs, sir, Gillis."

He walked out, dejected. He knew it wasn't his decision to make, but he would have liked to at least be listened to. But Bash had warned him, people are not always ready to hear what you have to say.

He arrived at the house, went to sit at the table where Bash and Delly were already eating. He poured himself some tea and remained silent, his eyes fixed on the table. Bash looked at him quietly as he continued to feed Delphine, waiting for Gilbert to speak, but he guessed that Ruby's parents had either not listened to him or had not taken his recommendations on board.

"Gilbert, you can't save everyone, you'll have to get used to it.

- I know Bash, but it's so frustrating, having the knowledge but people not wanting to receive it.

- That's life Gilbert, people don't always listen to what you have to say. Now, what time do you want to leave to pick up Fred at the station?

- I don't know... OH NO, FRED IS COMING TODAY, Bash I was so busy with my medical books I forgot about Fred. Hang on, I'll go and get his letter and see what time he arrives.Gilbert ran upstairs, spilling half his tea in the process.Bash looked at him amused

- Do you see Delly? We've managed to cheer up our Gilbert a bit, it'll do him good."

Diana was nervous, Fred was coming in today. She would be visiting him at Gilbert's late afternoon, with Anne, and he was to come to the house for dinner tomorrow night, on her parents' invitation. She knew that her future would be discussed, even though nothing would be done officially without Fred's parents. And even though she knew everything would be fine, she was still nervous. She looked at the time and saw that she had to pick up Ann soon and go to the Blythe house. She got dressed, took one last look in the mirror, smiled, and left happily. She was finally going to see Fred again.

When Diana arrived in Green Gables, Anna was already waiting for her outside. She was wearing a dark green skirt and a white shirt that fit her perfectly. They hugged and laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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