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Gilbert left early this morning, he wanted to get to Anne's as soon as possible so that they could spend as much time together as possible. But before that, he had something important to do. He put his hand in his pocket to reassure himself and feel the small cloth bag it contained. He smiled and hurried on.

He knocked and saw Marilla's surprised face as she opened the door.

"Hello Gilbert, how nice to see you. Oh, Ann is in the barn downstairs with Jerry, helping him with his chores this morning.

Gilbert glanced towards the barn with a smile.

- Oh, all right. However, it's you I'd like to talk to first, if you don't mind.

Marilla frowned, and nodded.

- Sure, come on in, I'll get Matthew."

So they all sat down in the parlour. Gilbert was nervous, and began to speak shyly.

"You probably know why I'm here... Anne told you about us yesterday I think.

- She did, and we're delighted, Gilbert, really. As for your being here...

- You know, I love Anne more than anything in the world, and even though I have Bash and Delphine, she's all I have left. And I understand your concern, but I'll wait until she's at least seventeen, and has finished her degree at Queens, and...

- It's OK Gilbert, we know all that, you've always been a boy, a man now, think and be sensible.

- What I would like is to be able to ask for Anne's hand in marriage, when the opportunity arises, and I give you both that permission. Gilbert took the ring out of his pocket. It belonged to my mother, and I want it to belong to Anne one day.

Marilla and Matthew looked at each other with a smile and Matthew spoke for the first time

- You have our blessing Gilbert, I know that no one will take better care of our Anne than you. Now go and join her.

- Thank you from the bottom of my heart," Gilbert replied, clasping his hands together.

Marilla walked him to the door and watched him go towards the barn with a smile.

When Gilbert arrived in the barn, he saw Jerry reading aloud and Anne looking over his shoulder at the book, correcting him on his rare mispronunciations. It was Jerry who saw Gilbert first. He put the book down and stood up to greet him in a friendly manner. Anne approached gently, and Gilbert took her gently in his arms. Jerry, understanding their desire to be alone, went off to look after the chickens.

"My little love, not seeing you for one night is nothing compared to two long months, but I have missed you.

- I missed you too, Gil. How I wish I could never say goodbye to you again.

- I wish it were possible, but you know as well as I do that it's not yet possible. But it will be one day, I promise you.

They kiss tenderly.

- Shall we go for a walk?

- Do you think we can go alone?

- If we don't hold hands and stay on the paths, it shouldn't be a problem, and we'll meet Diana and Fred later.

So they set off together.


Diana walked quickly towards Gilbert's house, secretly hoping that he would not be there, and that she could be with Fred. She really wanted to get to know him.

When she arrived, it was Bash who opened the door with a big smile on his face.

"Diana! How nice to see you again! How do you like Queens? Come on in!

- Bash! I'm glad to see you too, and yes, Queens is wonderful. Are Gilbert and Fred here?

- Sorry to disappoint you, but Gilbert left for Green Gables early this morning. But Fred's still here, and he's waiting for him to come back... I'll tell him to come down, he'll be glad to see someone he knows.

- Oh Bash, I'd love to show him your orchard, it's beautiful. And do you want me to take Delphine with me? I'd love to see her again.

- That's a splendid idea, I'd go with you but I've got work to do, so you three have fun."

Diana was waiting on the steps with Delphine, who had begun to talk and was babbling as she pointed to the flowers that remained in this October.

"Diana! Are we... Are we alone?

- Except for Delphine, yes. I thought she would make good company. Now let's go to the orchard if you like.

- Absolutely, and tell me, where you come from, your family, I want to know everything.

- Well, originally, my family is from England, but I've always lived in Avonlea, I have a little sister, Minnie-May, I was supposed to go to boarding school in Paris but I ended up in Queens. And my parents are... Rich and determined that I should marry well. It's the only thing I'm supposed to do. So I'm enjoying Queens while I can learn and do what I want.

Fred stopped. And looked at her.

- We're the same! I'm from White Sands, my father is a famous doctor, but he does it for the title, not to help people. And his only goal is to find me a woman from a rich family so I can become like him, a famous doctor. Except that I want to be a doctor to help people, and I just want a woman who loves me, I don't want fame and glory, I don't want to be his son. I would like to be able to be whoever I want."

They sat together at the foot of an apple tree, Delphine playing in the dead leaves around them. And they talked, about everything, about how their parents didn't understand them, and each admitted how lucky they were to have a friend like Gilbert or Anne.

They stopped talking, and began to look deeply at each other, and slowly moved closer, when Elijah came whistling in.

"Well there you are! I've been looking for you! Hazel would like to feed Delly and Anne and Gilbert are waiting for you at the house.

- Yes... Diana stammered, I didn't realise what time it was, we'd be back by now.

Fred stood up, helped Diana to her feet, and they walked awkwardly and silently back to the house.


Eheheh! Here's the penultimate chapter in Avonlea! I hope you liked it, feel free to vote and comment :)

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