Apprehension and happiness

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It had now been a few weeks since the Queens students had started, and Diana was more than happy to be there, even though the euphoria of the beginning was beginning to subside. It is true that the surprise at the last moment to be able to come to Charlottetown to study, to be a roommate with Anne, Anne and Gilbert finally together, .... 

She had forgotten about her parents' conditions for her to continue here, she had also forgotten about Jerry a little, but she was kindly starting to think about it again, but without really knowing how she felt. She decided to talk to Anne about it in the evening when she came home.

"Oh Diana, what a wonderful day! I learned so much and Gilbert is coming to Charlottetown in 2 weeks! she said as she lay on his bed.

- That's wonderful Anne, I'm really glad you can see him again so soon," 

Diana replied with a calm air.- Yes, I miss him terribly... Is something wrong? You've hardly said anything since I arrived...

- It's just that... I don't know what to think Anne, I don't even know what I feel deep down inside, and I know I've done wrong and ...

- Calm down and explain it to me. What are you so upset about? Anne asked, sitting next to her dear friend.

- Jerry, Anne. I think about it all the time these days. And sincerely, I really regret having been like that with him, and at the same time it was so new to me, this novelty, this freedom, it's ... I don't know, it's so abstract for me.

- Oh ... I understand a little bit, and as much as I hate seeing Jerry unhappy, I hate seeing you like that even more. You know, I understand that sense of newness that you felt, and now you have to figure out if what you felt was feelings towards him, or love, but more towards the feelings he gave you, that freedom. Tell me, Diana, is it Jerry or the freedom that you miss the most?

- I miss... I think it's that newness and freedom that I've known ... Even though I like Jerry very much, I don't think I was in love ...

- You fell in love with the adventure my Diana! It's wonderful too, and don't worry, I don't blame you. I'm sure you'll find someone great. Oh and did I tell you that Gilbert is coming with a friend? He told me about it in his last letter, his name is Fred Wright.

- Thank you Anne, I feel better now. Oh but that's wonderful! Do you know how long he's staying? And where he's going to stay?

- Oh no, I'll ask him but by the time I send him my letter and he replies he'll already be here.Then Anne got up and went to sit down and do her homework. Diana remained sitting on her bed, pensive but happy to have understood what she felt deep down inside. But she quickly came back down to earth, remembering that she would have to work hard to get the grades her parents wanted from her so she could stay in Queens.


Bash of happy awakening this morning, hearing Delphine's laughter. What a beautiful day was beginning. Moreover, since Gilbert had left, Elijah was doing his best to be part of the family and was working really well. And considering the workload he was more than happy to have allowed him to stay.When the postman came by and told him that he had a letter from Toronto, he jumped for joy, finally hearing from Blythe! But his happiness was heightened when he learned that he had found Anne on his way to university, that she shared his feelings and that he planned to come to Charlottetown in October to see her, asking her in passing if he wanted to make the trip to the city so they could see her without wasting time on transportation.

"I knew it! I knew it!" he shouted as he walked back into the house."

- Sebastian! What justifies this joy? You're going to scare Delly. asked his mother.

- It's Gilbert! And Anne! Finally together, I knew it since he told me about it on the boat, and when I saw him, Anne, it was clear in his eyes that she was in love!

- Calm down, they're still children.

- No! Well yes, but they are different, I know for sure that they will stay together forever. replied Bash with a dreamy look."

Then he thought he should ask Gilbert if he didn't want to come to Avonlea with Anne. He knew that Matthew and Marilla hadn't seen Anne since school started and that they missed her very much."I'll even answer him immediately" he thought, thinking that his idea was really better than Blythe's. "I'll even answer him immediately" he thought. "No, but... To reach Charlottetown when Avonlea is barely an hour away by train. What an idea."


A chapter much less focused on Anne and Gilbert but I also wanted to talk about the others :)In the next chapter, there will be their meeting ( where?... Surprise) and Cole's one with Roy as well :)Don't hesitate to vote and comment !

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