exams and interests

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It was now a few days since Anne and Diana had returned to university. And with the end of the semester approaching, they had a lot of exams and spent all evening studying.

Diana was still worried. Even though Fred had reassured her in his letter that everything would be fine, she hadn't heard from him since. She hoped that the discussion with her parents had gone well, it was the only hope she had.

Anne knew all this, and she tried to comfort her as best she could, knowing that this was all she could do. Sending a letter to Fred would take too long to get a response. She just hoped that this event wouldn't distract Diana too much from her exams, as her results would greatly influence whether she stayed in Queens. And even though Ann didn't have the same exams as the others, she loved spending time helping them revise.

She had even grown very close to Josie since then. She was a clever girl but she could lose her temper quickly. And somehow the events of the fair still haunted her and it was with Anne that she was best able to talk about them. She arrived that evening in Anne and Diana's room, and they could see at once that she had been crying. Diana, understanding the situation and the need to talk to Anne, took her things and left

"I'm... I'll work with Ruby.

- Thank you Diana, I promise I won't be too long," Josie whispered.

- Take your time, I had to help Ruby with English anyway.

Josie gave her a smile of thanks.

- What's going on, Jos? Come to the bed, explain.

- Anne, it's... It's that fair that haunts me again and again, and here I don't have that reputation, it's only me that's blocking me.

- You've met someone, haven't you?

- Yes, well he's been in my class since the beginning but we never spoke until before the holidays. He's the sweetest man I know, he would never hurt me, but deep down I'm still scared.

- Oh Josie... I know it can't be easy, this kind of thing always leaves its mark... Give yourself time, okay, go slowly, give yourself time to trust him... And then explain to him, if he's that good, he'll understand, if he doesn't, he doesn't deserve you. It will get better with time, believe me.

- He hasn't talked to me about a relationship or anything yet, and I know we'll take the time we need. But I don't know if I'll be able to talk to him about it, I can't even talk to Jane about it.

- It'll come, you don't have to explain it to her tomorrow! Tell her when you're ready.

- Thank you, Anne. I really do. I don't know what I did to deserve a friend like you.

- That's what friends are for, don't worry Jos, you'll be fine.

Josie calmly walked out of the room and gave Anne a sincere smile."

The exams were now in full swing, and Diana was doing her best not to worry about Fred, but it was hard. So she was immensely pleased to see that she had received two letters today. One of them from Avonlea. That was the one she opened first.


I hope your exams are going well.

I wanted to let you know that Dr. Wright from White Sands wrote to express his interest in you to arrange a marriage with his eldest son, Fred. Your mother is overjoyed and although he is not the doctor I was hoping for for you, it seems to me that he will be a good fit. Since he's in college now, the wedding probably won't happen until after he graduates, so you'll have time to finish your degree in Queens.

I'll try to arrange a meeting at home when the exams are over.

Take care of yourself,

Your dad."

Diana had tears in her eyes as she read the letter, tears of joy. She would have her happy wedding. She hurried up to her room to show Anne the letter, and she opened the other one, from Fred.

"My Diana,

I hope you are well, and that your exams are going well. As I write, I'm starting them tomorrow, I don't know if I'll have much time to write to you afterwards, with all the revision I have to do, it's tiring but working with Gilbert helps a lot.

I don't know if you have heard yet, but my father has sent a letter to your parents expressing his interest in you. I don't like the way our marriage is likely to be arranged, but I'm very happy with the idea of spending my life with you. I could not have wished for anything better.



Diana was now definitely happy. She felt the weight she had had on her shoulders since Christmas fall away, she finally let go and took a sheet of paper to write to Fred.


In Toronto, university exams were in full swing, and Gilbert and Fred were anxious to finish them, as they had an internship at the Toronto Hospital next. But the two young men, though very focused on their studies, were still thinking more often than they would like about the two girls waiting for them in Charlottetown. Fred didn't know how the news had reached Diana's parents and whether it had reached her. Gilbert was just thinking about Anne and how much he missed her and how much he would miss her for another two and a half years, knowing that she had decided to stay in Avonlea. Even though he would rather have her at home than here, he would miss her dearly. He also knew that he wouldn't normally be able to return before Easter and that the next four months without her would be very long. But he hoped in his heart that he would be able to go back for a weekend for her birthday and surprise her, but he had no idea if that would be possible... Shaking these ideas out of his head, he plunged back into his books.


Here you go! I hope you enjoyed it : ) tell me in the comments! I promise that the next chapter will feature Anne and Gilbert, as well as the other girls.

I'll try to write the next chapter quickly too.

Vote if you liked it!

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