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Diana froze. Anne came to see the letter to understand her friend's reaction. After reading it, she turned to her, and saw a tear running down her cheek.

"Diana, it's all right. She said next time, and she doesn't know it was Fred, and you'll be careful next times. You should write to him, he'll still get your letter before Christmas if you send it tomorrow.

- Yeah, well... You know, my mother would find the slightest mistake to send me to France. The slightest! She must never know it was Fred. And she'd better have forgotten all about it by the time I get back at Christmas. I'll write to Fred and tell him, you're right Anne, I'll tell him to give Gilbert his answer when he comes."

Anne's heart sank at the mention of Gilbert's name. She missed him so much, and she had no idea what her future would be like in June. So many questions that would not be answered until Christmas.


Gilbert and Fred came home from school tired but happy, they were top of the class (Gilbert just ahead of Fred) and they had received an offer for an internship at the Toronto Hospital. When Fred arrived he saw that he had a letter, it seemed strange, he had only sent his to Diana a few days before.

He opened it, worried.


I hope you are well and still enjoying your studies.

I got a letter from my mother today, saying that she had heard that we had been seen walking holding hands in Avonlea. And that the next thing she knew, I would be sent to France. But Anne reassured me, she doesn't know it's you, so a life together is still possible my love. But we'll have to be careful in public or even anywhere in Avonlea, that no one sees us until we've made it official.

My studies are going well and I'm really looking forward to going home at Christmas.

Do you know if we will be able to meet again soon? If you want to reply to this letter, please give your answer to Gilbert when he returns to Avonlea, as I am going home for three weeks.

Love to you,


"Gilbert, I think I have a problem. He said, handing her the letter.

Gilbert read it quickly and reassured him

- Fred, she told you, there's no need to be alarmed at the moment, besides you should tell your parents about her at Christmas. It'll be fine, don't worry, just do as she says and everything will be fine. He left for his room, patting her on the back.

Gilbert sighed as he sat down at his desk. He was so glad he didn't have this kind of problem with Ann. He was now looking forward to going home in a week, he wondered if Delphine had grown much.



Gilbert dressed quickly, his train was leaving in 30 minutes, and he had to make sure he didn't miss it if he wanted to meet Anne in Charlottetown. He quickly greeted Fred who gave him his letter for Diana. He addressed him lightly

"It's all right, lad, don't worry" and ran off.

After many hours on the train, he finally arrived in Charlottetown, and a huge smile came over his face when he saw Anne on the platform. She was beautiful, he recognized the blue dress she had worn the day she left for Toronto. That day when everything had changed. He took her in his arms and they found Diana a little further on, she was happy but seemed pensive.

"Hello Diana, here is Fred's letter, he gave it to me this morning before I left.

- Hi Gilbert, oh thank you so much! I was so afraid he wouldn't want me anymore...

Anne Shirley Cuthbert... Bylthe - translationWhere stories live. Discover now