At home

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On the way home, Anne and Diana had a long talk. Anne couldn't help asking her what she thought of Fred, having seen them together.

"You know, Anne, he's really interesting, his talks are amazing, and ... I can be myself. Did you know that when he's not in Toronto, he lives on the island!

- But that's wonderful, and Diana, honestly, he's quite handsome, isn't he? Not as handsome as Gilbert of course, but... Oh, I'm so happy!

- Oh sure, I thought it was obvious," replied Diana, with a big smile. And I feel good, Anne, being myself, I don't have that feeling of sudden, secret freedom I had with Jerry. I hope now that if this goes any further, my parents will accept it...The sudden thought of her parents frightened her. What about Anne? And if my parents don't let me go back to Queens, if they find out about Fred right away, they'll think I'm spending my time on this and not studying! I mustn't tell them; they mustn't learn anything about Fred.

- Oh I don't think they'll stop you Diana, you've had excellent grades since the beginning, haven't you? Don't worry about that, and maybe wait to tell them about Fred for a while, also to see how it goes between you two, you just met today!

- You're right, I hope they'll be proud of me anyway. Good night Anne, see you tomorrow!

- Good night my Diana!

Anne arrived smiling in Green Gables, she had written a letter to let them know she was coming but she didn't know if she had arrived in time. The sun was setting, leaving the house in orange. She smiled, she was at home, finally.

She entered silently, Marilla was cooking and when she saw her, she dropped her spatula and walked towards her with open arms to take her in.

"Oh Anne! What are you doing here? Why didn't you say you were coming? Oooh I need to get some more food in since you're here, but this is wonderful, I've missed you so much! Go and see Matthew, he's in the barn and he'll be more than happy to see you.

- I... I wrote a letter, but it must not have got there in time to tell you. Gilbert came for a few days from Toronto to see me, and we thought it would be a splendid idea to come home.

- You can tell us all the details over dinner, go on, go and see Matthew now. "

Anne smiled and ran into the barn. She came upon Jerry first, and was very glad to see her again and hugged her.

"Anne! What are you doing here? Has it been so long?

- Oh Jerry, how nice to see you again, I've decided to come back for a few days, but I'll explain everything at supper. Do you know where Matthew is?

- Upstairs in the barn.

- Thank you, Jerry. And Anna ran off. She arrived in the barn when Matthew came down the ladder, and he was so surprised to see her that he missed the last rung of the ladder and stumbled. But once he had regained his balance, he took Anne in his arms.

- Anne, my little girl, I am so happy to see you. He held her tightly, as if not to let her go. He didn't ask why she was there, he was so happy to see her, he missed her so much here in Green Gables. They stayed like that for a few minutes, before Marilla rang the bell announcing supper.

During dinner, Anne explained everything, in detail, about her history with Gilbert (which she may have omitted from her letters), the university, everything. Marilla was overwhelmed with joy when she heard about Gilbert, and gently scolded her for not telling them sooner. Anne then went to bed, happy.


When Gilbert arrived home with Fred, he was greeted with open arms by Bash, and saw Delphine in the distance, opening her arms and laughing. Fred shyly entered, closed the door as quietly as possible and turned with a smile as he saw Gilbert lifting Delphine at arm's length. Hazel looked at him "Gilbert, can you introduce us to your friend?

- Yes, excuse me, Bash, Hazel, Elijah, this is Fred Wright, the best friend I could find in Toronto.

- Gilbert has told me a lot about you and how important you are to him.

They shook hands warmly and had dinner.

"Well, Gilbert, I want to know all the details of what happened with Anne, everything.

- When I left, I had been talking to Winnie for two weeks and I told her I wasn't going to marry her, so I could talk about it. I saw Mr. Barry and Diana on the train, I told them I wasn't engaged, Diana told me that Anne loved me, I ran to her, and... it was true, I kissed her, and I went to Toronto. And we've been sending each other letters ever since.

- Wow, you never told me you were almost engaged Blythe! Fred exclaimed, surprised.

- Let's just say it's not the best memory I have, even though Winnie is a great person, but I know I hurt her, but I couldn't in good conscience ignore my feelings for Anne.

- Oh, sorry then.

- It's all right.

- Blythe! I was right and I told you so, you see! I told you so! And you wouldn't believe me!" exclaimed Bash, getting up and dancing.

- I know Bash, I know. It's okay, I know you were always right about Anne

- And about everything else too, yes! Anyway, Gilbert, I'm really happy for you, and Fred, I'm really happy to have met you and I'm glad Gilbert has a friend like you.

- I'm glad too."

They all went to bed, happy.


When Diana arrived home, her parents greeted her with surprise, they didn't know she was coming, but they were happy to see her.

"Diana, are you enjoying your life in Queens?" asked her mother, a little worried.

- Yes, very much so! I love my classes, life in Charlottetown is exciting, and being with my friends is really great. And I like seeing Aunt Jo more often.

- So you don't regret not going to Paris at all?

- Not at all.

- Then we're happy, and as long as you keep making good grades, there's no reason you shouldn't stay in Queens."

Diana felt relieved, everything was going well. They ate supper as Minnie May talked about school, which she now had with Miss Stacey, to whom Diana listened with joy. She told them what she was learning at the university, and her mother, listening to her speak with passion, realised fully that she had made the right choice in letting her go to Queens.

Diana went to bed thinking about Fred, how much she had enjoyed his company today, and the relief of being able to stay in Queens for good.


So much for the reunion! I hope you enjoy the chapter :) I'm going to do 1-2 more chapters in Avonlea before I send them back to Charlottetown. Feel free to vote and comment! I love getting feedback :)

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