Start of summer in Avonlea

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The summer started slowly, the weather was nice, nature was blooming.

Anne was so happy, and to think that she was going to stay there this year, at home. That was what she had wanted before she left for Queens. She realised it now, now that things were the way they should be. She smiled as she finished her apple pie, Gilbert was coming home today, finally. She was going to pick him up with Bash this afternoon at Bright River, she had missed him so much.

She had already spent a few days here, she loved playing with Delphine, who had grown so much. And she got on well with Bash's mother now, and she loved to watch her cook and even more when she agreed to tell her about Trinidad from time to time.

Anne came out of the house and saw Bash talking to Matthew, and she ran to the cariole and greeted Bash. She was finally going to pick him up. The ride was quiet, Anne enjoyed looking at the landscape, the landscape she had missed so much, she told of her arrival, her first ride. She told of her arrival, of her first journey, of her wonderment, of how she had named the Lake of Mirrors and the Lovers' Alley. Bash smiled, he loved the way Anne saw the world and looked into her eyes filled with wonder. They finally arrived at Bright River, Anne jumped up and left on the platform and looked around for Gilbert when she saw him talking to a young woman from behind. She didn't recognise her, and she was filled with doubt. What if he had found someone else? What if she wasn't good enough for him and never would be? She moved timidly forward, and when Gilbert saw her, he put down his suitcase and ran to her to take her in his arms. Over her shoulder she saw that it was Ruby, to whom Gilbert was speaking, and that she looked very pale. She pulled away from Gilbert's embrace and looked at him:

"I'm so glad to see you, I've missed you so much you know.

- I missed you so much too my Anne, so much. He looked around, and judging that he was not being watched, placed a light kiss on her lips. She blushed, and his gaze fell on Ruby again.

- Were you talking to Ruby? She doesn't look well...

- Yes, I ran into her at the station and offered to go with her, she was going to see Dr. Ward, she hasn't been feeling well since you got home...

- We should take her home, she's not going to walk home!

- No, you're right, go and ask her, I'll go and put my suitcase down and say hello to Bash."

Ruby looked lonely on the platform, seeing that no one had come for her.

Ruby!" Anne called out to her. She looked up and a slight smile came over her face.

- Anne! What are you doing here?

- Oh, I came to pick up Gilbert with Bash, are you expecting someone?

- I don't know, I thought my dad would send for me.

- Well, come in with us, we've got enough room to drop you off.

- That's nice of you, but I don't want to disturb you.

- Stop it, we'll give you a lift, you look really tired, are you okay?

- Why does everyone keep asking me that? I'm fine, I'm just really tired, the doctor thinks I've overworked myself this year."

Anne looked sceptical but accepted the explanation without a word, they headed for the cariole where Gilbert and Bash were waiting. The ride was quiet, Bash and Gilbert discussing the coming harvest and other things said so quietly that Anne did not understand any of the discussion. She tried to talk to Ruby but it was no use, she hardly answered, and almost fell asleep, so Anne had to tell her that they had arrived at her house. She waved them off and went home. Anne promised to come and see how she was doing.

Anne Shirley Cuthbert... Bylthe - translationWhere stories live. Discover now