A day in summer

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Anne woke up happy this morning, even more than usual. What a joy to look at Gilbert's mother's ring when she got up, to watch the sun rise through the curtains. She got up laughing and dressed quickly. A practical dress, for spending the day out. When she came downstairs, Marilla and Matthew were already there, waiting for her to have lunch. They hugged each other happily. Ann ate quickly and left for Diana's house, her best friend would be the first to know. She came running, and was greeted at the door by Minnie May. She was greeted by her parents next, who greeted her warmly. They took her to the living room, and Anne felt embarrassed, she should tell them quickly, but she really wanted to tell Diana alone first. She looked at Diana and stood up.

"Mrs. and Mr. Barry, I'm sorry I have to leave so soon, I was only coming to pick up Diana, we're due somewhere else at eleven. Thank you for the invitation though.

- Oh yes of course, but come back for tea this afternoon, we'll be expecting you."

Diana smiled and hurried off with Anne, and they ran off before they reached the edge of the Lake of Mirrors. When they finally stopped, Diana looked at Ann with surprise in her eyes, expecting an explanation. Ann looked at her, then showed her his hand with his ring on it, laughing.

"He asked me! Yesterday! Diana I'm going to get married one day!


They hugged each other, laughing and dancing.

- Who have you told so far?

- Oh just my family and hers, I wanted you to be the first to know.

- Is that why you pretended to meet somewhere else? So I'd know before my parents?

-Um... Yes ?

- That's genius, let's go and tell the other girls, they'll be thrilled!

It was at this point that Anne remembered Ruby.

- Di... have you heard from Ruby since she got back?

- No. Why? She's been busy with her family apparently.

- Ah... when I went to pick up Gilbert from the station with Bash, she was coming back from Charlottetown too and she was transparent, she told me it was a work overload, and with yesterday's events, I forgot to check on her, I feel terrible now.

- Anne, you got engaged yesterday, and we're going to go and check on her now. Don't worry, and if it was really just fatigue, she must be better."

So they left and walked quickly to the Gillis house. They rang the bell and were greeted by Ruby's mother who quickly invited them inside.

"Hello ladies, what brings you here?

- We've come to check on Ruby, I saw her at the station on her way back from Charlottetown and she looked really pale.

-Ah... She told me she hadn't seen anyone. She's still weak, in her room. You can go and see her, but be quick. And don't get too close, we're afraid it might be contagious.

Anne and Diana looked at her, their eyes widening

- Contagious? Anne stammered, she told me it was exhaustion.

- That's what they told us at first too, but as she gets worse, we'll have to send for the doctor from Charlottetown.

- That's... terrible, yes we'll be quick then, and let us know if you have any news afterwards."

The two girls went upstairs quietly, still in shock at the news. Ruby? Sick? It was so unusual... They entered the room without a sound, to find Ruby sitting up in bed, knitting quietly, and she was terribly pale, she coughed, and looking up from her coughing fit, saw her two friends, startled.

Anne Shirley Cuthbert... Bylthe - translationWhere stories live. Discover now