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Anne woke up happily this morning, and saw a light sunshine outside on that October morning, it was going to be cool, but beautiful. She didn't immediately see that Diana was already awake and writing, which surprised her because her friend wasn't the type to work quickly in the morning before school. She stretched and went to see what Diana was doing, intrigued. She was startled when she felt Anne coming, and hid the paper she was writing on. This surprised Anne even more, after the whole thing with Jerry, they had promised each other not to hide anything more.

"Diana, what are you doing? What could be so secret that you won't show me?

- It's... Anne, it's not that I don't want to tell you, it's that I want to make sure it's all worthwhile before I tell you, you're going to be far too happy otherwise, and I'm afraid we're going to get happy too quickly.

- You're writing to Fred, aren't you? Diana blushed. Oh Diana, I don't necessarily want to read what you write to him, although I'd love to, but I understand if you don't, but can we at least talk about it a little? You've hardly said anything about it since yesterday. And I know something's happened, so explain it to me!

- It's true, I'm sorry, it's just that this is a really new feeling for me and I don't really understand what's happening yet. I really like him, and I really think our parents could agree, they're from the same world, even if it's not the one he and I want to live in (this remark surprised Anne, so they had already talked about the future!). But you know, in the orchard, we talked a lot and... At the end he tried to kiss me, and he would have succeeded if Elijah hadn't arrived at that moment. All the way around the pond we held hands, except for the part along the road, where we obviously kept our distance.

- Diana is... Wow, Gilbert and I were just talking about it when you were away, we could see that you got on well together, and we hoped that if you were meant to be together, it wouldn't take you as long as it took us to realise it.

- You mentioned us? Have you? Is it that obvious? Oh my God, I hope we didn't run into anyone and no one saw us!

- It's all right, don't worry, I'm sure no one saw you, and if they did, you'll know soon enough, believe me.

- You don't know everything yet, at the station, when you were kissing Gilbert, Fred took me by the hand, took me further, gave me a letter with his address on it, made me promise to write to him, and kissed me, oh Anne, it was so different from kissing Jerry, I felt like I was flying away.

- I think you're falling in love...

- Do you think I am? Now we just have to hope that nobody saw us on Saturday.

- Just hope...

The two friends hugged each other laughing and got ready for university. Ann was looking forward to seeing Roy, to tell him about her weekend and how her meeting with Cole had gone.

"Roy! Anne shouted as she saw him at the entrance to his class, how are you? How was your weekend? And your meeting with Cole?

- Anne, one thing at a time," he replied with a laugh, "so I'm fine, I had a great weekend immersed in that book of woe that is Walden and, as I think you're most interested in this answer, I found your friend Cole very interesting and likeable.

- Interesting and ... Likeable? Is that all? Cole is a wonderful man!

- I never said he wasn't, it's just that I've never met anyone like me, so it's always weird at first, but I like him a lot I assure you.

- So everything is going well, that's what I wanted to hear. Come on now, the class is about to start."


On the train home from Toronto, Gilbert and Fred had the same discussion that Anne and Diana would have the next morning. But Gilbert was much more direct than Anne.

- Buddy, if you love her, tell her, tell your parents, write to her, I beg you, don't wait, and when you do tell her, tell her clearly. I couldn't do it, and I could have lost her because of it. Your parents are from good families, you're studying medicine, her parents will accept you I'm sure, but for that you have to act. Because her parents are probably already looking for a husband for their daughter.

- Wait, you never told me how it went with Anne... And yes, don't worry, I'll do the right thing.

- I'm sure you will, don't you remember?

- Blythe... I would remember, believe me.

- Let's just say it wasn't always easy. But we have time until Toronto."

And for the next few hours Gilbert told Fred his and Anne's story. He laughed out loud when he heard about the slate episode, and glared at him when Gilbert felt compelled to tell him about Winifred. But it was when he heard that if he had married her he could have gone to the Sorbonne that he wondered what was wrong with his friend.

"Blythe! he cut him off, "The Sorbonne! You refused to marry her, for... Toronto?

- No! I refused to marry her because I knew in my heart that it had always been and always will be Anne. It's out of love that I'm here, not out of any great ambition, if it was only ambition and money that guided me, I would probably be in Paris. But I am not like that. Now back to you Fred, your case is much harder to deal with than mine, Anne's parents are like my second family, they were the most present that my father is...

- And Blythe, are you ok?

- Yeah yeah, it's just still painful to talk about you know.

- I know, I know that more than well. So now help me write to her, to Diana, and to my dad too, because I need to tell him I'm coming home for the weekend.

- That's the Fred I like to hear, so here we go. Do you have Diana's address?

- No, I didn't. I... I gave her mine, but...

- Lucky you, she shares a room with Anne, so I have her address.

- Blythe, you're the best.


I'm going to dwell a bit on the Diana and Fred story, because they deserve to be happy as well. But don't worry, Gilbert and Anne will be back in the spotlight soon...

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