Chapter 12

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(Eun-ae's POV)
We turn towards the crowd and when we do they turn silent. We glance at each other and nudge Namjoon forward. He turns and glares at us but still addresses the crowd. " Hello, as you can all see, we have been having a bit of fun this morning. Now, we want the opinion of our valuable colleagues. We want you guys to tell us who looked the best coming out of the limo. I will call each group or person depending on if they went by pair or solo. When i call the pair or solo you will cheer on your favorite, you can cheer for more than one." With that, his little speech is over. "Okay, have you all had some time to think?" Most people nod. "Then I will start. First up we have Minji, she was the first one to come up." A small wave of cheers could be heard. Minji beams and I am happy for her. "Okay then, next we have Areum." A lot of boys cheer for her, some even cat call. Areum just glances at them and gives them a small smile. This increases the cheers. " Looks like someone has a lot of fans."

Namjoon continues. " Next up is our new campus superhero, Eun-ae!" A whole lot of people start cheering for me. Especially the people who were victims of Ara's bullying. I was honestly very shocked. Blushing, I look at them and wave. "The competition is getting fiercer. Now we have yours truly and Yoongi." A bunch of girls push up front and screech. I am not even joking, they literally drowned out everyone else's cheers. After making sure his ears work well Namjoon continues. "Then it's Hoseok and Jimin." The whole front part of the crowd bellows out. Some even created a fan chant for the both of them. " Well, they might actually win. Now we have the youngest and the oldest, Jin and Jungkook." Part of the back and the entire front cheer. Jungkook takes off his leather jacket and flexes. The girls' cheers went up an octave or two. Jin then proceeds to send a few kisses to the crowd and even winks. This seems to be too much for the girls since they faint. "Can someone check on them?" Namjoon asks.

When they wake up and assure us that they are fine we continue. "Now last but not least is our campus king, Kim Taehyung!" At that the entire crowd erupts in cheers. I think we all know who has won. I mean it's obvious. Did you guys not see how he exited the limo? it was like a god had decided to bless us with their presence. Namjoon then proceeds to declare the winner, "The winner of our little game id none other then.............Taehyung!" The crowd claps and then slowly starts to disperse. We all head into the school with Cole, Zach and Andi hot on our trail. We all head into the first period of our day, history. I greet Mrs. Kim when I enter the room and the others soon follow. We find seats in the middle of the lecture room and sit down. We talk a bit and then Jungkook brings something up. "When are you guys going to tell us your big secret?" We secretly glance at each other and it's Areum who responds. 'We will, soon." Grumbling he replies," When is soon?"

Laughing, I say. "Sooner then you think. To be precise in a week when our parents come back and we discuss it with them." "Where are your parents?" Yoongi asks curiously. "On a business trip." I lie smoothly. I was surprised and I knew that Areum and Minji were too. I was never one for lying. I would crack so easily. They brush the surprise off their faces and the topic was dropped. The class soon started piling up and then the bell rang. My day was off to a great start and thankfully it stayed that way. When the last bell rang we all grabbed our stuff and wen to the gate waiting for everyone else. They soon arrived and we left for their dorm. When we arrived, I thanked Mr. Davidson and we headed out.

They unlocked the door to their house. Jungkook jumped on the sofa with Taehyung and Jimin not far behind him. They turn on their TV and start playing this game called Overwatch. Minji has an excited look in her eye and goes to join them. i walk to the kitchen with Jin. The rest were off somewhere. Jin then starts thinking. I ask him what's up. He says jokingly, " I am thinking of a way to feed all you monkeys." "I'll help you." He nods and we start. I make some food while he makes another. I was thinking, since they were always training they've never had food from a different country. I text Mr. Davidson and ask him to pick up some groceries for me. 

The Nerd Has A Secret- Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now