Chapter 13

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Third POV

Eun-ae and Taehyung walked to the room that he shared with Jimin. Closing the door behind himself, Taehyung turned to Eun-ae and seemed to be struggling. "Are you okay?" Eun-ae asked him leaning closer to him. He held his breath for a while and then let it go when she moved back. "Um, I have something to tell you and I wanted to tell you for a while now." "What is it? I'm listening." She replied smoothly. "I've liked you for a really long time now. Ever since we started hanging out and you guys forgave us. I was going to tell you tomorrow and ask you to be my girlfriend at school. Now I am not sure because you're like a princess and I'm not worthy and you might feel like I'm using you for your status. I wanted to tell you because if I didn't I might regret it so there you go."

When he had finished his ramble, Eun-ae went up to him and hugged him. "I don't think you aren't worthy of me. You're like my best friend and my boyfriend all at the same time and I like you too TaeTae, so don't leave me and don't think so badly about yourself. I like you too and I wanted to wait until I was sure that you wouldn't like me for my status and you've proved it to me. Thank you." They stayed in silence for a while in each others arms. Taehyung suddenly let go and went to a closet in the room to get something. He came back and led himself and Eun-ae onto a bed and handed her a card along with flowers. "Sorry that it's not special enough." "It doesn't matter. I'm just happy that you gave this to me." she responded. The card read,

Dear Eun-ae,

You've been the center of my attention as soon as you stood up for yourself against us. You're fearless and light up my world. I used to hate going to school but now I can't wait because I know I'll see you at school. Thank you so much for forgiving us and giving me a chance to be your best friend. I wanted to tell you something for a while now, and it's fine if you don't want to but I would love to be your boy friend. I will treat you with the respect you deserve and you'll be the center of my universe. You'll be the sun and I will orbit around you making sure you're okay. I love you Eun-ae and even if you don't that's fine. I love you so much Eun-ae.



After closing the card, Eun-ae turned to Taehyung and jumped into his arms. He was stunned for a minute, and shortly responded. they stayed in each others' arms until Eun-ae pulled back embarrassed. " So, are we dating now?" Taehyung was grinning stupidly and furiously nodded his head. "Yes, your mine now." She giggled and once again went into his embrace. Just as she was going to say something, they both heard giggling and shuffling at the door.

"Ayoooo, soulmate's got a girlfriend, soulmate's got a girlfriend." "SHUT UP! I can't hear anything now." Taehyung and Eun-ae glanced at each other and slowly advanced towards the door. "Why aren't they talking anymore, it's so quiet." Both open the door an their friend stumble into the room, one after the other. "H-hey guys."Jungkook chuckles nervously. "How much did you guys hear?" Taehyung questions. "EVERYTHING!" Jimin says. "You have a girlfriend now, what about me?" Everyone turns to Jimin and mentally face palms. "Anyway, since you guys heard, I am sure you all know that this wonderful lady in front of me is now mine and I don't share." Taehyung said glaring directly at his soulmate. "I never intended to." Jimin responded hands up in surrender.

Laughing, everybody returned to the table and continued eating. Eun-ae shared with the girls what Tae gave her. The three girls gushed over what was written until Jungkook snatched it from their hands and read it out loud. The other boys made fun of Taehyung and he blushed furiously. It was really cute and everyone seemed to be enjoying the moment.

They all went back to continue eating. Eun-ae however had a new spot. She was now sitting on the lap of a blushing Taehyung. After eating they all helped clean up. Minji, Areum and Eun-ae got their stuff and prepared to head home. Eun-ae gave a quick kiss on the cheek to Taehyung and then fled to the awaiting car. The doofus seemed to be in a daze and hadn't realized that they were already gone. "Yah, Kim Taehyung, we're going to lock you out if you continue staying in that daze. We know your girlfriends hot but have pity on us single mortals." Jin screamed back.He quickly ran back to the apartment and went to sleep. It was a good day for him and he was very content.

Word Count: 841

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