Chapter 2

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( Eun-ae's POV)

"Hey girllll!", I squeal into the phone, "How are you? I'm so excited! I don't know if you know yet, but we're going to school!"

"Calm Down! ", Areum said

" I know! My parents told me this morning. I'm excited but I've never gone to school before, what is it like?"

"I honestly don't know. Did they tell you about the disguise?"

"What Disgiuse?!?", Miniji yelled bursting into my room.
" You were listening in?"I asked.
"Hell Yeah, I'm always the last to know things so might as well listen in to find out."

I giggle. " Areum's on the phone if you want to talk to her."

"Oh hell yeah, she never tells me anything either! Yo Areum!", she says taking my phone.

"What's up?" Areum asks
" Why do you never tell me anything?"

"Because If I did you'd be lost on the third word." She calmly stated. "Yah! I'm not that's stupid you know! Just because you and Eun-ae are like super geniuses doesn't mean I have to be too!" "Calm Down Minji", I say. "I love you just the way you are. All action and no thoughts." "Oh you're so done for Kim Eun-ae!" ,Minji yells chasing me around.

                                      ~Time Skip Brought To You By Jimins Jams~

"Eun-ae ah.", Melody softly whispered. " Your schedule for today is quite packed. You must get your wig fitted. Take some measurements for your uniform. The ophthalmologist is going to prescribe you three girls glasses. The orthodontist will give you three braces that will not affect your teeth in anyway. You will also be receiving your schedule for the year." " Thank You Melody, I'd probably be lost without you." " Of course not, Princess! You're one of a kind." I quickly get up and shower for the day. For my outfit I choose something that even if the paparazzi catch me I'll look acceptable.

 For my outfit I choose something that even if the paparazzi catch me I'll look acceptable

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As I head out, I can't help but feel excited. Even though today's not the first day of school I can't help but feel excited for my start on this journey. I hope I can make friends. Oops, my driver is waiting for me.

(I know no one is reading this but I can't help but feel excited to right this. I hope people will start reading this soon so I will have more motivation. I'm only in Gr. 8 but I still have school work to complete so the updating schedule will be wierd. And if anyone is actually reading this thank you for your support!)

The Nerd Has A Secret- Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now