Chapter 6

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(Ummmmmm......Let's just talk about them for a sec...I know I know. It's kinda late but look at these visuals look at this perfect aura that literally surrounds the entire group. The entire concept for each and everyone one of the is absolutely amazing. In my opinion they look soooooooooooooo good as a group. They just complete each other you know?)

(Eun-ae's POV)
"Don't touch her oppa! You don't know what disease she might be carrying around. She might have lice. God knows the last time she washed her hair if she's ever washed it at all." I actually thought she wouldn't be that bad. Turns out I was wrong. She was a total b****. The sneer on her face said it all. The guy sighed and said, " Ara, you shouldn't be so rude to people. You don't know her so please don't speak about her that way. That was plain out rude. You should apologize." " Why should I apologize to trash oppa?!" The girl now known as Ara yelled. " There so worthless. The moment my dad comes and visit I'll show him these girls. They are literally ruining the schools reputation. Our rival schools will think we are poor and accept just about any thing that begs us to. We will be stripped of our title of Most Prestigious School in South Korea." The guy was about to say something when Areum beat him to the chase. " I'm so sorry to interrupt," Her voice laced with sarcasm. " But is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that comes out of your mouth? Because dang that was just plain nasty!"

Everyone gasped and started snickering as Ara become a shocking purple colour. "Are you okay?" I asked. "You look like a little bit red." Everyone burst out laughing. I was so confused. Areum looked at me in shock and the understanding crossed her face. "Cuz, not gonna lie but I think you need to understand the situation. You sorta insulted her." "How?!" I asked shocked. "Well, after I said that you kinda embarrassed her by saying she was red." I understood. Oops! I didn't mean to. I turned around to apologize but the girl had already stormed off with her posse following behind. "Sorry about her." The man said. "She thinks she runs the school because her dad is the superintendent of our school. He's getting a promotion soon too. He just gained a seat at the board. My name is Kim Seokjin by the way." We all introduced ourselves to him.

"Let me introduce you to my friends and bandmates. Here we have Kim Namjoon he is the leader of our band. He likes to be called RM." The guy he was talking about was looking at us with an air of pity and a hint of disgust. It honestly frightened me. "I am the oldest in the group so everyone listens to me. Here is Min Yoongi. He likes to sleep a lot and thinks he's full of swag." Jin said rolling his eyes. The Yoongi guy glared at Jin and said, " I am full of swag! You wouldn't know what swag is anyway! You're to busy watching your pink princesses!" We all burst out laughing. Jin just huffed and continued. " To conclude the hyung line we have Jung Hoseok.You can call him Hobi though." The guy in front of looked very happy and bright. Like nothing could extinguish the flame of happiness inside him. He was the only one who seemed genuinely happy to talk to us. His smile was kinda contagious as well. "I'm your hope. Your my hope. It's J-Hope! It's nice to meet you guys!" "Now," Jin says, "On to the maknae line. First we have the hyung of the maknae line Park Jimin. He's a playboy so stay away from him. He also has no jams." The tiny boy glared. "Then we have Kim Taehyung. He's really weird. Stay away from him if you don't want weird thoughts to enter your mind."

The guy he was motions towards looked really bored but his eyes only showed pure hatred. "Then our muscle pig and maknae, Jeon Jungkook. He's really athletic and is good at everything. That's why we call him the Golden Maknae." "Hello." We respond shyly. Then Minji bursts and says, " I bet I'm stronger then your so called 'muscle pig'. No ones ever beaten me in sports or working out before." "Same here." The coconut headed guy responded. They eyed each other as if they were trying to figure out the others' weakness. To break the awkward silence I said," We should get going it's lunch and we only have an hour left to eat and find our next class. Thank you for helping us." As we left I couldn't help but feel that other then Jin and Hobi the others would be bullying us. They didn't seem as friendly. Shrugging it off, I continued down the hallway. We made our way to the cafeteria. When we got there someone was waiting for us in front of the doors and had poured water on us.

When I looked up I saw that Taehyung guy with Namjoon,Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook and Ara. They were all laughing. Quite soon the rest of the cafeteria joined in. I was fuming. Almost in sync we all went up to one boy and slapped them. I had slapped Taehyung, Minji had slapped Jungkook and Areum had slapped Namjoon. Minji's was the strongest although all of ours would leave a mark. She was able to knock him down. And she wasn't done at that. She sat on his chest and continued punching him over and over. We were all shocked. Quickly acting, I pulled her off of him with Areum's help. She wasn't done she yelled at him. "You piece of sh*t! Who do you think you are? If it wasn't for them I would have murdered you! Not so strong are we 'Muscle Pig'? Got beaten up by a girl in front of the entire school how does that feel?" He was fuming. She had hit a sensitive topic and she new it. "Minji," I begged. "Please stop, we don't want to be in trouble. We can't afford that." " Just like your parents can't afford you." I snapped my head up. "Who?" I asked. "Who said that?" My voice was dangerously low. Even my cousins were scared the last time I was this mad was when someone had tried to slap Areum when we were 14. "Come out this instant! I don't tolerate being disobeyed!" At this point the teachers were appearing.

Once they realized that we were part of the problem they panicked and called the principal. I obviously was the only one who had noticed any of this. "It was me, I'm sorry I didn't know that your parents was a sensitive topic." It was Taehyung. At that moment I was furious and was about to snap until I saw the apologetic look in his stare. I straightened my posture and all the Princess training came back to me. "It is alright. My parents are not a sensitive topic as they are both still alive but I rarely get to see them. So I hate it when people say anything bad about my family. There was nothing wrong with your statement. I am the one to apologize for reacting in such a strange manner. I deeply apologize." My cousins caught on quick and apologized as well. Minji even offered to pay for the medical bills. "If you could even afford them." Sigh, of course it was Ara. The principal who had relaxed after I had apologized snapped once again and came stomping while roaring her name, " HWANG ARA! APOLOGIZE RIGHT THIS INSTANT AND AS FOR YOU 6 WHO THINK ITS OKAY TO GO AROUND AND POUR WATER ON PEOPLE DETENTION FOR A MONTH!"

The whole cafeteria shook. No one and I mean no one moved a single bit. He took all six of them and made them follow him into his office. That's when the two other missing members decide to show up. They ask us what happened and we explained the situation to them. Hobi oppa looked uncomfortable while Jin oppa sighed and apologized for them. He said he would scold them when they got back to the dorm. We hung out with Jin and Hoseok for the rest of the day. I wouldn't say the first day of school was a flop. I would say that it was eventful. Most of the time we were ignored. When we were with Jin and J-Hope we got glares from the entire student population. It was nice to have friends I guess. We exchanged phone numbers and social medias (They have fake ones for school in case you are wondering). They even offered to drive us home but we quickly declined saying that they wouldn't be comfortable with our living accommodations. And technically it wasn't a lie. They could have been uncomfortable if I brought them to the Imperial Palace. I actually couldn't wait for the next day. I hoped it would be slightly better. After having done my Princess chores I slipped off into a peaceful sleep dreaming of actually getting along with that BTS group. They seemed nice but didn't seem to like us in particular. I had observed them from afar and they had helped a girl when she bumped into Yoongi and spilt her milkshake all over him. He didn't even seem pissed and had reassured the girl that it was alright he took off his shirt and went to go get one of the janitors to put it in the washing machine. Sigh, I think too much. Let's just wait and see what happens.

(Eeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkk! People are reading my story I'm so happy right now like you don't even know. Thank you for commenting on Chapter 4 and letting me know that you were eager to read the rest of the story! It made me so happy! You Know who you are! Anyway Thank you for supporting the story and reading it. This might be my highest yet. Word Count:1704)

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