Chapter 10

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(Eun-ae's POV)
We pulled up to the Imperial Palace. Jin, Hoseok and Manager Sejin turned to look at us curiously. They probably were wondering what we were doing here. The driver stopped in front of my house, so we got out. "Thank you, sir." I thanked the driver. I would have to learn his name someday. I'll ask tomorrow. Areum, Minji, Cole, Zach, Andi and I all started heading into the building, but Manager Sejin, Jin and Hobi stayed back. I turned to them and asked, "Why are you three just standing there? Come on." They looked at me as if I was crazy. "We aren't allowed in there Eun-ae! Do you have a death wish? Going into the Imperial Palace without permission is punishable by death!" I just rolled my eyes at them and said, "Come in. You have my permission." At this the butler who was inching forward, quickly retreated. Still looking skeptical, the three headed in with us. Melody heard us entering and came to greet us. "Good afternoon Prin-". She suddenly stopped when she caught sight of Hobi, Seokjin and Sejin.

Melody turned to look at me quizzically. I just shrugged and shook my head at her. I hope she got the message. When she continued her greeting I guess she understood. "Good afternoon Miss Eun-ae, Miss Minji and Miss Areum. Welcome back Cole, Andi and Zach. Refreshments will be served in the sitting room. May I ask who are visitors are?" "These are our friends from school. Kim Seokjin and Jung Hoseok. This is their manager Sejin." Minji responded. Melody nodded and turned to greet them. "Good afternoon Sir Seokjin, Sir Hoseok and Sir Sejin. I am very happy to here that my lady and her cousins have friends. They have been secluded all their lives and have never had friends other than each other. I hope you will not betray their trust and be good friends to them. Please, join them in the sitting room for refreshments." They all nodded and we walked to the sitting room. Little cakes and tea were set out for us today. I guess she wanted to do a Victorian style today. "Please, sit where ever you'd like." Everyone sat down. "I'm sure your wanting to know why we are in the Imperial Palace and why we haven't been kicked out. We will explain everything when we come down, but first us girls will go change. I think it will be easier to see then for us to explain."

They nodded so we stood up and walked up. When we got to my room, we changed took off our disguise and glasses. We then changed into our loungewear. Someone sighed behind me so I turned around. It was Minji. "Aren't you guys scared?" "Of course we are!" Areum scoffed. "We've never had friends before! We just want them to be able to understand us and know each other better. This is one of the only ways for them to know us better." "I agree." I intervened. "Do we know how they are going to react? No. But that doesn't mean we are not going to did that. Like Areum said we haven't had friends before so we need to learn how to trust them. This will help us see if they are trustworthy. If they aren't we"ll just shut them up. It's not that hard." Nodding we headed downstairs. We stopped on the last step, took a deep breath and headed towards the foyer. I stopped before opening the door. I turned to see if they were ready. Minji and Areum nodded their heads so I knew they were ready. Slowly opening the door, we headed towards our friends.

The moment we were in the room, their eyes widened and they immediately got up. At first I thought it was because they were shocked, that is, until they bowed. They recognized us as Princess Eun-ae, Princess Areum and Princess Minji. Taking a deep breath I said, " You guys don't have to bow to us. Don't you recognize us? It's me Kang Eun-ae, that's Yang Areum and she's Lee Minji." At this they looked as if they were going through shock. We quickly helped them sit down and asked Melody to turn on the AC. When they looked better I continued. "Is it that surprising?" " Well, we knew you three were special, but we didn't expect something like this." Jin replies scratching his head. "When we first saw you we realized that you were different from the rest of the girls in the school. So we became friends with you. Then we realized that you weren't afraid of anything that Ara said and all her threatening so we liked you three even more. Now I can see why you guys aren't scared of her. She's like an ant compared to you." Well, st least now we didn't have to hide anything. We all sat down and talked over tea and biscuits.

"Can I ask you something?" Areum said. "Why is everyone so scared of Hwang Ara? She's only a superintendents daughter." "Well, there's more to her than just her dad." Jin replied." Her mom is the CEO of a the 10th biggest brand in South Korea and her many aunts are models that are very famous in Korea. So everyone doesn't want to offend her." Minji wolf-whistled. "That doesn't mean anything. I think she needs a wake up call. There are people that are more influential than her. I think we should be that call. I think since we feel comfortable enough and we found real friends we shouldn't hide anymore. Next week we should go to school without the disguise." "Will you guys be ready for that?" Hoseok asked. "I agree with Minji." Areum says. "We already know who is sincere with us and who isn't. BTS are sincere with us. We should just tell them when the time comes." Nodding my head I end up agreeing with my cousins. "At least you two are less uncomfortable with us. I could see it. You were scared, now your relaxed and treating us like you did before you knew. Thank you for that." The two just avert there eyes and Jin blushes a little. "I guess we were a little shy."

Then we end our little night there. Jin, Hoseok and Manager Sejin go home promising us not to disclose any information on us to the other members or to other people. Minji and Areum end up sleeping over. We watch dramas and fan girl over Bong Soon and Ahn Min Hyuk. Honestly they're the most cutest couple in K-dramas. After finishing Strong Woman Do Bong Soon we search for others. Jin got us hooked on them. He said that he wanted to become an actor but after Bighit scouted him he decided not to. I can see why. He has the main lead air around him. They all do. Especially Taehyung, his features and his voice would sound so good saying sweet words for the female lead. Wait, what am I thinking! I shouldn't think things like this. They're so impure! Eeeeeekkkk! I've gone mad! Maybe I should go see a shaman. I actually can't wait for tomorrow. Maybe we should go pick up the BTS members in a limo or something. I'll text them and see if they would like to in our group chat.
Me: Do you guys want us to pick you up for school tomorrow and drop you off?
Namjoon: Sure, but in what? We're already seven and with you three that makes it 10.
Areum: In a limo, stupid. What did you think?
Jimin: That's rude.
Areum: I know dipshit, that's why I said it. *rolls eyes*
Me: Sorry about Areum. She acts really rude, but she's really nice and sweet.
Minji: She's right. Areum's a reeaalll softy. And she's so cute like a puppy.
Areum: Shut it you two! Just wait a sec.
Me: Eeeeeekkkk! Areum's going on a rampage again! Hobi oppa save meeeeeeeee!
Minji: And me toooo! Eek she's at the door! What do I do? The rhino is about to break the door!
Tae: Y'all are actually pretty rowdy.
Minji: Of course we are. We've been stuck at home since birth and are only allowed outside for special circumstances. So we just raise hell at home.
Jin: That's sounds harsh.
Me: Not really, we got used to it.
Namjoon: Do you guys want to come over to our dorm? That way you guys will get to go somewhere else for a change.
Areum: Can we? I've always wanted to see how seven boys managed to live together and not burn down the house.
Hoseok: Jungkook and Jin almost did.
Jungkook: You don't need to disclose my dark past. What a friend you are!
Hoseok: We're not strangers, it doesn't matter. They're not going to tell anyone!
Me: Anyway, we'll pick you guys up so just send us your address. See you guys tomorrow!
Jungkook: Bye!
Hoseok: Bye!
Namjoon: Bye guys!
Jin: Bye!
Jimin: See ya!
Taehyung: Bye Areum, Eun-ae, Minji!
Well, tomorrow will be a little bit more fun then today. I wonder what their dorm looks like.

(Hey guys, it's been a while since I've updated. I was on a short hiatus because I had no inspiration. Anyway, I'm back now with a little more ideas. So please continue to support me while I work on this story. Thank you for waiting! XOXOXOXOXX)

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