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Morning once rose again as the sunlight shined upon the windows of Emma and Lynne's bedroom. The alarm went off, as it was 7:30 in the morning. Emma groggily woke up and flung her arm to stop the alarm lazily. She sat up and yawned whilst she stretched. She flung her legs to the edge of the bed and stood up, she went beside the bed of Lynne and softly shook her sister "Lyn, wake up, we have school" Emma whispered as her sister started to move slightly "Let me sleep just a few more minutes" whined Lynne as Emma chuckled "You won't be able to see Little Jewel or Ajax by then" Emma chuckled out as she went to her closet to grab clothes. She lazily picked out a random pair and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once she was done taking a shower, she wore her pair of clothes which she randomly took out of her closet "Not bad for a random choosing" Emma said to herself as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She wore a t-shirt hoodie and some skinny jeans, wearing a pair of high cut sneakers. She went out of the bathroom and met up with her sister "Ready?" asked Lynne as Emma grabbed her bag "Yeah" Emma replied. The two sisters, then, left the house for another school day.

"I can't believe we actually have these type of food!" exclaimed Calixta as the trio stared at three full garbage bags filled with stolen food that they stole from different restaurants "That can last us a month or so" Y/n stated as she turned to see Calixta and Zyien "Now all we need is a plan. We now know that Connor Dankworth schools at Canterlot High, we just need to figure out a way on how to get him during one of his classes" Y/n said as she walked passed the two "When will we attack?" Zyien muttered "In a few weeks or so, as long as we have a plan, we can then, attack" Y/n said as she smirked "Will we get new daggers?" eagerly asked Calixta as she looked at the older girl "Maybe" Y/n chuckled out as Calixta squealed "Easy there Cal" chuckled Y/n "We'll get those daggers" said Y/n as she smiled upon the two. Zyien laughed as Calixta squealed once more.

When the two sisters arrived at their school, the two immediately met up with their friends "Morning sisters" said Ajax "Hey Ajax" Emma greeted. Suddenly, police sirens were being heard. Three figures running whilst being chased by 2 police cars "It's The Freaks" Lynne muttered as the students outside the school gawked at the scene in front of them. One certain girl had made eye contact with Emma as she kept running "Who's that?" asked Emma as she and the girl running kept eye contact "That's her. Y/n Y/l/n" Sapphire said as the friend group looked at the gang running "Domino!" The sea of students heard the leader of the gang shout,  Y/n jumped at a black horse with white marks. The two behind the girl instantly followed, calling their horses as they jumped onto their backs as the horses revealed themselves. The gang disappearing as the sirens slowly started to faint away "C'mon Em, we have class" reminded Lynne as Emma broke her daze "Yeah, yeah, I'll be there" Emma stated as she walked, her eyes still trained on the scene that happened in front of her. 

"Who was that?" Y/n stated as she mindlessly threw daggers at the building's wall. Their hideout seems to be in between two abandoned buildings, the alleyway, that was dark enough to hide all their possessions and weapons "Who?" asked Zyien as he tied their horses into a broken fence, tightly pulling to make sure the lead is secure "The girl" Y/n muttered out as Calixta chuckled "Don't be such a pussy now Y/n" Calixta stated as she mindlessly scrolled down in Instagram on her phone, which she stole from Apple, it showing that it is a Iphone 12 pro "I'm not just asking" Y/n stated as she stopped throwing daggers at the wall and went to get a hold of her phone, which was also stolen by her before she met Calixta and Zyien. It being Iphone 11 pro max "It's not like I want her" Y/n muttered as she searched the students within Canterlot High in Google "Oh, so now the leader wants the girl instead of the killer? How romantic" Zyien said sarcastically as Calixta laughed "Shut up Zyien" Y/n stated as she leaned back against the wall, shivers went down her body as her back collided with the solid material "We'll attack soon, just need a plan" Y/n thought "Guys?" she asked out as the two members looked at her, confused and curious of what she is going to say "Yeah?" asked Zyien as he took a seat beside Calixta, holding his phone out, showing that it was the same model as Y/n's "We'll break in the school once more tonight. I need information on Connor and the girl" Y/n stated as the group looked at her amused "What?" she asked out as she became annoyed at the group that was gawking at her "Nothing" Calixta stated with smirk

Time flew as fast as the lightning bolt as students now, rushing out of their classrooms, eager to go home and have a rest. A certain friend group appeared, chatting mindlessly, subjects switching fast as they talked "Y/n has eyes on Emma" Lynne stated as the group looked at the brown-haired girl "What?" Emma asked out as she became intimidated by the stares of her friends "Y/n stared at you Emma, there's risk that she might come after you" Ajax stated as he carelessly threw his books into the locker and locked it in "And?" Emma said cluelessly as she placed her books in the locker neatly and locked it "Emma, are you really that clueless? She's after for somebody and we don't know who. You saw how she looked at you" Sapphire said as Blaze nodded his head "Little Jewel is right Emma, we don't know who's she's after but we don't want it to be you" Blaze said as he pleaded, all of Emma's friends were "Please Emma, be careful" Ajax said as Emma's friends became paranoid about the Serial Killer and her gang, with her antics

No one knew what The Freaks would do next. Only time will tell.

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