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A/n: Make sure its on loop😌

"It all happened when...


Y/n had recently found out her mother had passed. She had no idea what to do or where to go. As it seems that her father had passed when she was 5. She tried moving in with her aunt but she had shamelessly and heartlessly shut her out due to her being (your/sexuality). Her cousins offered her to stay at their apartments but Y/n declined it politely, though as it seems, she doesn't want to be a burden to them since they have  families of their own. Her uncle is no help either, the same result as her aunt. Now, she had just one place to go and that is the streets. She had been homeless for the past days ever since her mother died, her being skinny and hungry, practically having dirty clothes for not changing, her shivering every night that she had due to the loss of warmth of her mother. One day, she decided to steal some food from a near by bakery, which she successfully did, she had stolen about 3 types of bread in all sizes. She ate them like there is no tomorrow. From then, she taught herself how to steal and she became the world's wanted thief. 

"After that happened, one night, two friends have changed me" Y/n said as she smiled at Calixta and Zyien's sleeping state, Emma still listening.

One night, she was about to steal some food when she heard crying around the corner. she turned around and gawked at the scene in front of her. Two siblings crying, a boy and a girl, both bags were on the floor and both were skinny as she was before "Hey? Are you two okay?" Y/n asked cautiously as she approached the two siblings "Y-yeah, just a bit hungry that's all" replied the girl as she wiped her tears "I'm Y/n Y/l/n, and you are?" introduced Y/n "I'm Calixta, and that's my younger brother, Zyien" introduced the girl softly "You wanna come with me? I'm stealing food for me to eat" Y/n offered as she held out a hand. Calixta smiled and took it, she stood up but her brother made no effort to move "Zyi, it might be our only hope" Calixta pleaded her brother. Zyien sighed deeply and tagged along with his sister. The trio made an eventful night of stealing food for them to eat "Tell me about yourself" said Y/n as the trio sat on the edge of the dock near an ocean "Well, me and Zyien are siblings. We were kicked out due to our aunt blaming us that we killed his son even thought we saw her do it" Calixta said sadly, Y/n giving her a sympathy look "I'm sorry about that Calixta" Y/n apologized as the two siblings nodded "What happened with you?" asked Zyien from beside Calixta. The three still being young, Y/n being 13, Calixta being 12 and Zyien being 11 "My mom died recently, same with my dad when I was five. My aunt kicked me out shamelessly for being (your/sexuality), same with my uncle. My cousins tried to make me stay with them but I declined, since I don't want to be a burden to them, though as it seems that they have families" Y/n said as she ate. The two siblings now having sympathy for the older girl "We're sorry" Calixta muttered out as Y/n nodded her head.

"We were so young, me being 13, Calixta being 12 and Zyien, he was 11. But we all had similarities" Y/n said, her smiling, Emma smiled at the sight of the girl smiling.

"What're we going to call ourselves?" asked Calixta as they stole food once more "The Freaks?" Y/n suggested randomly "What makes you think about that?" chuckled Zyien "Well, we are Freaks" Y/n said as she shrugged her shoulders "Like the sound of that!" Zyien exclaimed as he skipped "They're coming" Calixta said as she looked over her shoulder, the cops were no trailing behind the trio "You know what to do" Y/n said. The trio ran as they laughed "We're free!" Y/n shouted "Stop in the name law!" one of the cops shouted as they ran "Never!" Zyien shouted as the gang ran

"We had like this connection, sort of a bond, like we were meant to meet and have each other" Y/n stated, Emma still listening to the older girl, gaining trust around the killer

"What do you mean?" asked Calixta "I don't know!" Y/n yelled as Calixta and Zyien wee beside her. The time being 1:30 am in the morning, Y/n had another nightmare about her past. Her crying uncontrollably "Y/n look at me! Look at us!" Calixta pleaded, Y/n looking at the siblings hesitantly "We'll be here no matter what" Zyien reassured the older girl "It's okay! You're out of their family, they'll never bother you. You have a family! A new one!" Calixta reassured as she hugged the older girl, Y/n sobbing into her shoulder quietly "You have me and Zyien, we'll be always here" Calixta cooed out as she rubbed the older girl's back comfortingly. Zyien joined the hug, the trio having their group hug as that hug reassured them that everything will be okay, Y/n now smiling into the embrace of her friends

"Through our ups and downs, we were always together, we became a family" Y/n muttered out softly, Emma's face softened at the girl

"C'mon Cal! It's fun!" Y/n urged, trying to get Calixta out of the roof "Calixta! Trust Y/n! Playing in the rain is so fun!" Zyien whooped out as he played. The weather being gloomy, pouring rain, but The Freaks did not care "Fine, but just this once" Calixta said sternly, and let Y/n dragged her into the rain. Calixta now being soaking wet with Zyien and Y/n "You know, this is actually quite fun" Calixta exclaimed as her and her brother were now having a water fight, Y/n making water angels on the floor of the road "See? Let loose Cal!" Y/n shouted as she stood up and started jumping on puddles "We are The Freaks!!" Zyien, Calixta and Y/n shouted as the rain started to pour harder 

"This is us now, me being 16, Calixta being 15 and Zyien being 14" Y/n ended and looked at Emma, the girl was already staring back at her "You had a bad past" Emma stated, Y/n hummed in agreement "But two certain people changed you life" Emma continued, Y/n nodded "If I haven't met them, I'd probably be dead" Y/n stated as she hugged her knees in attempt to make herself warm "So your (your/sexuality)?" asked Emma, the girl nodding once more in response. The time now being 1:35 am in the morning "What's yours?" asked Y/n as they continued to stare at each other "Bisexual" Emma responded, Y/n quirked up a smile "That's fine, Cal is also Bisexual" Y/n stated, Emma let out a breathy laugh "So your basically misunderstood? People won't let you explain first" Emma chuckled out and broke their gaze "Yeah, they just bash you over the things you do" Y/n said "It wasn't my fault I became like this" Y/n said "It was Connor's, he made me have an urge to get revenge" Y/n added "What did you do with him?" asked Emma "Killed him, earlier" Y/n stated "You killed my ex" Emma said as she smiled "Your what?" asked Y/n as she looked at the side profile of Emma "He cheated on me" Emma said as she tucked a stray of hair behind her ear with her right hand, as it seems, her left hand still being cuffed at the fence "That bloody bastard" Y/n stated as she smiled "I killed him because of my mom" Y/n chuckled out "Always wanted him dead ever since he cheated" Emma responded, Y/n looking at her "Thank you" Emma said as she looked at Y/n, the older girl smiling "Your welcome" Y/n stated as she leaned in and placed a small and chaste kiss on Emma's forehead, the girl melting into her touch "Sleep, you need to go to school later this morning" Y/n sarcastically stated out, Emma chuckled "Can you be here beside me when I wake up?" asked Emma as she laid down and made herself comfortable "Always will" Y/n stated, Emma let the drowsiness took over. Y/n sang out a song her mother sang to her years ago

A/n: Song: All is found, Movie: Frozen

"Where the north wind, meets the sea~" Y/n sang out softly, Emma listening "There's a river~" Y/n continued to sing out softly "Full of memory~" Y/n sang "Sleep my Darling, safe and sound" Y/n sang as she moved closer to Emma "For in this river, All is found" Y/n sang out as she brushed a few hair strands away from Emma's face "In her waters, deep and true~" Y/n continued "Lie the answers, and a path for you~" Y/n continued as Emma started to drift to sleep "Dive down deep into her sound, but not far or you will drown~" Y/n finished hesitantly, though she knew the whole song, she knew Emma was asleep. Y/n leaned back, humming the song as she drifted off to sleep.

A/n: Anotha chapter done

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