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Weeks has passed by since Emma was kidnapped by the all most famous The Freaks. Nothing has quite changed execpt for a crime case going around about Amelia Dankworth and Emma Watson missing. Y/n couldn't really let her go since she had fairly grew attached to the girl since the week she had kidnapped her. Maybe this was a wrong decision for Y/n to make. But either way, she couldn't just let go of Emma that easily.

This morning consisted of raining, poruing rain. Cold and wet. A quuite good day to stay indoors and watch some TV whike drinking coffee right? But that's a different case for The Freaks.

Y/n woke up groggily as she felt dripping from above her head. She squinted her eyes open and confused why it wasn't as bright as the sunny days would bring into the world. Y/n sat up and rubbed her eyes for a clearer view. She noticed how it was gloomy for a Saturday morning. No school for Amelia and Emma. Speaking of school, Emma hasn't been on the school grounds, not after Y/n and her gang kidnapped her. Amelia has been keeping her in track for the lessons in school. Anyway, Y/n stood up quietly, as it seems, the others are still fast asleep. As quiet as a swift mouse, she tiptoed her way out of the alley. Now in awe, she noticed it was a rainy day. Flashbacks about her childhood came flooding over her head, reminding how fun it was when she was younger.


"Y/n!!" Calicta shouted as she played in the rain, Y/n and Zyien staying under a crooked roof for protection "You two are no fun" Calixta muttered out "C'mon, let's play" Calixta stated as she drenched herself into the pouring rain. Y/n sighed deeply and gave in. Standing up and leaving Zyien alone in the crooked roof. Y/n felt herself get drenched the moment she stepped out of the roof, her shirt now started to get wet as well as her pants, her being barefooted "See? Its fun Y/n/n" Calixta stated as she laid down on the pavement, and ket the rain soak her in "Zyi?" asked Y/n as she gestured the boy to come out of the crooked roof. The boy sighed and gave in, went out of the roof and let the rain soak him in "C'mon! Let's play!" Calixta shoyted as she sat up and sgood up, started running "Catch me if you can!" Calixta shouted as she ran. Y/n snickered and started to chase after her "Get back here you little rascal!" Y/n shouted as she smiled, chaisng Calixta under the rain "Wait for me!" Zyien shouted as he started to run, chasing after the two girls "Cal! Zyien's it!" Y/n shouted as she started to catch up with Calixta's speed "Hurry up Y/n/n!" Claixta laughed out as the two girls continued to be chased by Zyien. Big smiles plastered theit faces as they played tag, under the rain, a gloomy and wet weather but seemed fun for the The Freaks.


"What made you wake up early Y/n?" asked a voice from behind, Y/n whipping her head to see who it was, Calixta, standing with a confused expression "Nothing" Y/n replied blankly as she moved back in the dark alley "Are you thinking about Emma again?" Calixta asked, Y/n nodding shyly and meekly "Why are you shy about that? There's nothing to worry about" Calixta reassured as she placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder "Do you remember us being so careless and free under the rain?" Y/n asked all of the sudden "Yeah, what makes you think about that?" Calixta asked as she quirked up an eyebrow, wearing a confused expression "Its just, its the same day today. All gloomy and sad, but for us it was qyite the opposite" Y/n stated as she walked passed Calixta, Zyien now waking up as Amelia groggily turned to the other side of their bed "Morning, Cal, Y/n/n" Zyien greeted, Calixta greeting her brothet back, Y/n saying nothing "What's up with her?" asked Zyien as he stood up quiely, trying not to wake a sleeping Amelia "Thinking about the past of course, also Emma invading her mind" Calixta stated as Zyien moved over to her side. Y/n moving over to a sleeping Emma, still cuffed by the fence "She will never love me, I mean, just look at me. I'm a serial killer for God's sakes!" Y/n stated as she sat down by Emma, still doubting her love towards the girl "It'll take some time Y/n. Not everyone falls in love the moment they see each other" Zyien stated as he reassured the girl "Besides, Emma knows your misunderstood" Calixta added, Zyien nodding beside her "Time" Y/n muttered out as she looked over the sleeping girl "All I nedd is time" Y/n thought


"Amy?" asked Emma, as it seems the original gang left Amelia and Emma by the alley they live in "Hm?" hummed Amelia, not looking up from her phone "Do you think Y/n is just misunderstood?" asked Emma, Amelia now looking up from her ohone, turning it iff and sighed deeply "She is Emma. Nobody really knows her true past. She only mentioned her mom dying, her father dying when she was younger, her aunt and uncle shutting her out and her declining her cousins' offer" Amelia stated "She never mentioned about her school life" Amelia added as she now became curious about the girl's school life "I want to ask her later" Emma stated, a wave of bravery gushing over her body "It's not going tk be easy. Y/n is one of the people who can't easily spit out stuff" Amelia warned, now turning her phone back on and going back to her business. Emma was thinking about Y/n's life before her mom died, how her childhood was, her school life with her school friends. The answer only remains at Y/n

Met you through a Lockdown (Emma Watson x Fem reader UNDER MAJOR EDITING) ⚠G!P⚠Where stories live. Discover now