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"What? You can leave now" Y/n stated but Emma still made no effort to move or to stand, instead she just eyed Y/n from head to toe "Emma, you can leave now. Go on" Y/n stated as she motioned Emma to leave, that she is free "Emma, you're just wasting your time sitting there, not leaving" Y/n muttered out, Emma now standing up and making her way over to Y/n "What?" Y/n asked but Emma just shook her head

"Shut up and kiss me"

Emma stated, Y/n just stood there dumbfounded "W-what" Y/n stuttered "Did you hear me Y/l/n? Shut-Up-And-Kiss-Me" Emma repeated, Y/n just standing there "Are you deaf Y/n? asked Emma, but Y/n shook her head 'no' "Then kiss me" Emma stated, but as it seems, Y/n was shy to these kind if tuings, Emma looking straight into her e/c orbs as she could tell that Y/n was scared to kiss her. With a sigh, Emma made her hands find Y/n's, she lead them to her waist and released it. As soon as she released Y/n's hands from hers, she made them go up to Y/n's neck "If you won't do it, I'll take the first move" Emma stated as she inched her face closer to Y/n's. Her breath fanning against Y/n's "I'm in lobe with you" Emma stated before capturing the soft lips of Y/n. Y/n shook out of her daze and kissed back Emma. The two kissed with passion and both were pouring out all their emotions in one simple kiss.

The two girls broke away as they rested foreheads against each other "I love you Y/n, I don't care if you are a serial killer or not" Emma confessed "From the day I made eye contact from you, there was something that sparked inside me and I didn't know" Emma continued "I love you Y/n" Emma lastly said before Y/n capturing her lips once more. Their lips moving in a slow rythm, perfect for both girls.

They still kissed, not knowing a certain pair was coming back from their 'Date' "Awh, how cute" Amelia stated, starrling both Emma and Y/n "Took you two long enough" Zyien stated "It's not like you two are oblivious for your feelings towards each other" Y/n reliated as she pushed Emma closer to her body, Emma resting her head on Y/n's shoulder and nuzzling her face into the crook of Y/n's neck "Shut up you lot, me and Zyi are together now" Amelia stated, a small blush appearing on her cheeks "Really?" asked Y/n, Amelia nodding 'yes'. Y/n now smiling as she chuckled "Where is Cal?" asked Zyien "Heist Spree" Y/n replied nonchalantly. Felling Emma go limp on her body. Y/n sighed and smiled "I'll take Em to bed, you two can have the time to yourselves" Y/n stated, Amelia and Zyein nodding.

Y/n made her way to her bed and gently placed Emma down, her side being near the wall. As Emma was now laying down on the bed, Y/n laid down beside her. Y/n faced her, their noses slightly brushing together "I love you too Watson" Y/n muttered out before letting the drowsiness take over he entire body, her arms on Emma's waist, keeping her near her chest as the two slept

The rays of the sun shone down the dark alley of The Freaks. Y/n slightly moving from her bed and slowly squinting her eyes open but closing them back as the rays hit her e/c eyes "Morning Y/l/n" said Calixta as she was casually eating something from the garbage bag " How are there 8 bags now? Yesterday, we had three" Y/n asked as she groggily sat down on her bed, her arms still around the waist of Emma "I told you, I had a heist spree last night. Came back to the alley to find Zyien cuddling Amelia and You cuddling Emma" Calixta stated, now standing up from her place and making her way to Y/n "Why is Emma not cuffed anymore?" asked Calixta as she rose an eyebrow amd held a curious expression "We might've had our kiss last night" Y/n admitted as she rubbed the back of her neck "I-" Calixta stuttered out "What?!" She whispered shouted, Y/n holding a small smile as she looked over her shoulder to see the resting stated of her girlfriend "Tell me everything" Calixta muttered out

"So you two shared childhoods, then you released her, THEN SHE FUCKING KISS YOU?!" exclaimed Calixta, Y/n shushing her immediately "Cal, please keep quiet. Anyway, yes, technically that is what happened" Y/n stated, Emma now moving slightly and waking up "Morning Darling" Y/n stated, Emma blushing from the pet name "This makes me so single" Calixta whined but Y/n just looked at her "Sheesh, then get yourself a boyfriend" Y/n stated as she turned around and pulled Emma onto her lap, Emma immediately nuzzling her face into the crook of Y/n's neck "Morning baby" Emma muttered out "Nice sleep?" asked Y/n, Emma nodding "Well, might as well you and Amelia should get ready for school" Y/n stated "School?" Emma asked, Y/n nodding "I don't want to go to school" Emma stated as she nuzzled her face further into the crook of Y/n's neck, Y/n chuckling "You don't wanna see your friends? Your sister?" Chuckled Y/n bht Emma only shook her head 'no' "You will go wether you like it or not. I don't want you to be living without you in contact with your sister and friends" Y/n stated as Emma gave out a sigh "But what if I want you to fuck me?" Emma questioned out, Y/n held a shocked expression as Calixta laughed "L-love, we just had our first kiss" Y/n stated. Emma picked up her head from the crook of Y/n's neck and kissed her on the lips, Y/n kissing back "Idiots" Calixta muttered out as she stood up,Y/n pulling away "Says the one who is single" Y/n reliated, Emma chuckling "Piss. Off" Calixta muttered back before walking off out of the alley

Met you through a Lockdown (Emma Watson x Fem reader UNDER MAJOR EDITING) ⚠G!P⚠Where stories live. Discover now