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A/n: If you still can't visualize their base, the picture above is similar to what my mind pictured
A/n: Zyien's sledgehammer, Amelia's axe and Y/n's claw dagger, were stolen from stores from the past two weeks. They stole the sledgehammer from a hardware store, the axe from an antique store (And it's in good condition so don't worry about it falling apart) and the claw dagger from a store that had the claw dagger for $1000 dollars since it's rare 

"The Lockdown has ended. Please check all your belongings and people that was in the room. Thank you!" said the principle through the speaker. Lynne was practically freaking out at this point, not knowing where her sister and Amelia is, at this point, she's desperate to find her sister and make sure she's okay "Ajax, Little Jewel, please help me find my sister and Amelia" Lynne pleaded to her friends. The two nodded and jolted out of the classroom "Miss Johnson!" Sapphire called out and grabbed the attention of their teacher "Hello children, is anything wrong? Anyone hurt?" she asked frantically as she checked the friend group for any injuries or wounds "We're all fine Miss Johnson, but Emma and Amelia is not in the classroom" Ajax said as he grew paranoid about loosing his bestfriend "Emma and Amelia is not in the classroom?!" she said as she grew scared "The last thing we knew, is that Emma went out of the room to find Amelia during the attack" Sapphire muttered as tears started to form on Lynne's eyes. Miss Johnson did not say anything to the trio until another teacher came by "What's wrong Lucy?" asked the teacher "Search the grounds for Emma Watson and Amelia Dankworth" Miss Johnson said, her voice wavering "The two are missing..." Miss Johnson said last. The teacher ran to tell and warn the others.

The Freaks has returned to their hideout "How am I supposed to tie Emma?" Y/n asked as she gently placed Emma down her bed, near the fence "Cuffs?" Calixta suggested randomly "We don't have cuffs Cal" Y/n stated as she went to to grab ropes. Calixta rolled her eyes and made her way to Emma, she dug through her bag and pulled out a pair of cuffs she had stolen from the dead police officers earlier when Y/n threw the grenade while waiting for Amelia to open the main entrance. Y/n came back, her hair messy, as it seems she took off her ponytail and let her hair loose "Where did you get cuffs?" Y/n asked as she was holding ropes, the scene in front of her was Emma cuffed to the fence "Stole 'em from the dead cops earlier" Calixta said proudly "Well I guess have to use this to tie that fat ass bitch up" Y/n stated as Amelia looked at her. Y/n knew too well what the girl was asking, even if she hadn't spoken a word "You go" Y/n said as she tossed the rope over to Amelia, her catching it perfectly and gratefully. Amelia walked over to her unconscious brother and tied him up tightly to a fence beside Zyien's bed "Now that's done, we'll wait till dusk and kill him" Y/n said with a smug smirk, her gang agreeing.

"Blaze!" Lynne shouted as she ran up to the older boy "Lynne" Blaze muttered and ran to her "Are you and the gang okay? Are you hurt?" frantically asked Blaze as he checked Lynne for any wounds or injuries "I'm fine, they're fine but please, help me find Emma" Lynne said, her voice wavering "What do you mean? I thought she was with you guys!" Blaze said as he ran his fingers through his hair "She jolted out of the classroom during the attack, searching for Amelia. Now the both of them are gone!" Lynne said as she started to sob once more. Blaze immediately hugged her as he comforted her "We'll find them Lynne, we will" Blaze cooed as he tried to hide his tears "Looks like Amelia and Emma aren't the only ones who's lost" Ajax said as he and Sapphire made an appearance "What do you mean?" asked Lynne as she wiped her tears "Amelia's older brother is missing too" Sapphire said, Lynne scoffed as she rolled her eyes "Serves that git right. He cheated on my sister" Lynne said "Huh?" Ajax replied clueless "Ajax, remember when Emma dated Connor in her 7th year?" Sapphire said as she looked at Ajax's side profile "Oh yeah, that bloody bastard" Blaze muttered out "She's Bisexual Blaze, she prefers girls over boys" Lynne said as she knew Blaze had a huge crush on her sister. Blaze tsked out "Yeah yeah whatever" Blaze muttered 

Met you through a Lockdown (Emma Watson x Fem reader UNDER MAJOR EDITING) ⚠G!P⚠Where stories live. Discover now