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(2 weeks later)

"C'mon Y/n, just one?" Emma begged but Y/n still said no "Em, would you actually risk yourself and go with the gang?" Y/n asked playfully before putting on a hoodie "Mmhm, most likely, I'd love to have one night with my girlfriend on a heist please?" Emma pleaded, using her signature puppy eyes that can work on anyone "Don't give me that look, Emma, y'know that doesn't work on me." Y/n said, Emma groaned as she laid back onto DIY bed of theirs, Y/n chuckling on her antics "Just one night Y/n" Emma begged once more.

"Nope, not happeneing Darling" Y/n said sternly "Awh, why not?~" Emma whined out, Y/n snickering at her antics "You'd get yourself killed, plus, your new to the gang." Y/n said witha pointed look, Emma gave a bored one "Still, atleast let me have an experience?" Emma pleaded, Y/n thinking before she sighed "Fine, but just an experience." Y/n said before getting her dagger, Emma squealing "Yes yes yes yes!" she said excitedly, Calixta walked towards beside Y/n "Are you serious right now?" Calixta asked.

"Mrhm." Y/n replied "Just let her have an experience." Y/n added, Calixta nodding "Fine, but you'll deal with it if she gets traumatized." Calixta muttered out before going back to Zyien and Amelia. "Emma, Let's go." Y/n called out, Emma nodding.

"You really thought I'd let you out that easy?" Y/n chcukled, spinning a gun in her hands. Calixta, Amelia and Zyien smirking while Emma was behind Zyien. "P-please, spare me!" the person tied up in a chair begged, Y/n scoffing "No, not after what you did." Y/n reliated and cocked the gun before playing it on her hands once more "I-I'll do anything! P-please just spare me!" the person begged once more but Y/n already made up her mind and grinning devishly "Ah-ah-ah~" she said in a sing-song voice "Made up my mind, no going back." She smirked and looked at the loaded gun "I wonder what this can do." She asked sarcastically.

"This'll be fun." Zyien whispered to his girlfriend, Amelia chuckling "Why?" Emma asked, Calixta looked at her before leaning down at her ear "Y/n, just watch, she'll be hot if you do~" Calixta teased, Emma blushing "Shut it!-" Emma whispered, Calixta smirking.

"One.. Two.. Three.." Y/n counted the bullets "Hrm, three.. That means three shots." Y/n whispered, smirking "Hrm, never seen Y/n like this." Amelia whispered "She's always like that, before killing somebody" Zyien stated, Calixta agreeing.

"Who's he anyway?" Asked Emma, Amelia shrugging her shoulders, Zyien and Calixta looking at each other before looking back at Emma "Your father.." Calixta whispered out "What.." Emma muttered.

But before Calixta repeat what she said, a gun went off, startling Emma and Amelia, not the siblings. "Awh~ That's one shot~" Y/n sing-sang teasingly, Emma's father shaking in fear. Y/n cocked the gun once more before aiming it at his forehead "One click of this trigger, and it's over." Y/n threathened, Emma's father closing his eyes shut, afraid of dying "But wait, I may have someone you'll beg for forgiveness.." Y/n muttered before dropping the gun to her side and looked back at the three "Bring her out." Y/n ordered, Amelia nodding before leaving the gang, Emma confused "Y/n.." She whispered inaudibly.

Amelia came back with a slightly beaten up person, Lynne, Emma gasped softly. Y/n chuckling before clapping her hands slowly, Emma's father sat in fear "Familiar?~" Y/n teased "There's still two bullets in this revolver, one for her and one for you" Y/n tsked out before pointing the gun at an unconscious Lynne "Choose, Adam, your daughter or yourself." Y/n said, Emma at the back in awestruck "M-Me! Kill me!" Adam stated, Y/n smirking in victory before pointing the gun at Adam and clicked the trigger.

The gun going off, startling Emma once more. "Dad.." was all Emma could whisper out before looking back at her sister "Lynne.." Emma muttered, Y/n laughing manically before throwing the gun at the wall "Release her." Y/n ordered, Amelia obeying and released Lynne, dropping her to the floor.

Y/n looked at Emma, then looked at Lynne "You do know you can go to your sister." Y/n stated before turning her back at the gang. Emma ran to her unconscious sister and picked her up "What'd you do to her..?" She whispered, looking at Y/n. The girl said nothing but looked at Emma "Nothing, she was already like that when Calixta took her." Y/n said, Emma looking back at her sister "You didn't hurt her?" Emma asked once more, Y/n shaking her head "Not even touched her since Calixta took her." Y/n stated, Emma believing her girlfriend.

A/n: Hallo :3

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