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A/n: The song won't be sang by any of the members, it'll be background music. Also, murder and psychotic actions lies ahead

"Awww, little devil has woken up" Calixta laughed out "Tie him up behind Dominic, we'll drag this bitch as we go to the police station" Y/n ordered as she walked over her horse, she mounted on Dominic "You're fucking crazy!" shouted Connor as Calixta and Zyien tied Connor up to the tail of Dominic "Little Connor knows me well" Y/n laughed out "Hyah" Y/n shouted and Dominic galloped out of the alley, dragging Connor from behind. Calixta and Amelia mounted on Kitkat as Zyien mounted on Russell. While Dominic and Y/n were leading the way, Connor was being dragged by the black horse with white markings "You never knew how it felt when I lost my only Family, Connor" Y/n tsked out as she became impatient, urging Dominic to go faster "Now I'll make your family feel what I felt" she said as the Gang took a sharp turn.

About a couple more minutes of dragging until the gang neared a police station, the horses walked to the side of the station and stopped. Y/n jumped off her horse, and released Connor from the tie. 

His wrists were already bleeding from the tightness of the rope. He dropped onto his stomach as Y/n wore her dagger claw "I think we'll have a little fun with your body before killing you" Y/n said and looked at Amelia "Care to go first?" Y/n said as a smug smirk appeared "Gladly" Amelia said and walked over her big brother. Y/n took her free hand and gripped his hair into her fist tightly, his head flying back from the force of Y/n "A-Amelia" Connor stuttered out, Y/n rolled her eyes "Missed me brother?" giggled Amelia as she held the axe "Please, I'm sorry" Connor apologized as tears were now running down his cheeks "A sorry won't fix my broken heart" Amelia whispered out as she gritted her teeth. She held up her axe and sliced his arm off, making him armless in one side. An agonizing scream left the boy's lips as the arm dropped limp to the floor as the body was still in Y/n's grasp "Not bad for a newbie" Y/n said as she gripped even more tighter to the head

 "Zyien~" Cooed Y/n as she held a look that its his turn. Zyien grinned devilishly as he walked up to Y/n and Connor, Amelia going back to stand beside Calixta "My turn" Zyien husked out as he held the sledgehammer. He held it up over his head and slammed it onto the boy's shoulder, with strong force, the boy let out another scream as the pain collided with his body. Now, the shoulder was splinched and it was barely hanging on his body "Awww, my weapon didn't do much but at least you were in pain" he cooed out and brought the hammer over his head again and slammed it at the same spot. Now, the shoulder came off as the boy grunted in pain, him now being armless "Much better" Zyien said as he smirked

"Calixta~" Y/n cooed out once more, her knowing the girl will have much more fun than the rest did. Calixta walked up to Connor as Zyien retreated to stand beside Amelia. Calixta scoffed as she held her knives, swinging them around playfully "Your my target, and these" she said as she held out the knives in front of him "Are my darts" Calixta finished and walked off to a fair distance away from Connor "Don't shoot me Cal, I still have to claw him" Y/n stated as she prepared Connor to be a dart board for Calixta. Calixta threw her first knife and it went through his lower left abdomen "Missed" Calixta tsked out as she prepared her second knife. She threw it with the same force, but this time, it his left ribcage. Calixta laughed as she held the third knife. She threw it and it landed on his stomach, his mouth, now spitting out blood "One more~" Calixta cooed out as she held her knife, the one she always plays with. She threw it and it landed just below his heart "Bullseye" Calixta said.

Y/n threw the harshly wounded body to the floor. the boy grunted as it made contact with the cold floor "My turn" Y/n laughed out as she got her dagger claw ready "I've been dreading for this" she cooed out. She brought her hand over her head and slammed it down onto the boy's back. The boy let out a scream as Y/n continued her actions repeatedly, over and over again. She took the last scratch and took off the bloody dagger claw. She threw it beside Calixta, her picking it up immediately "Gun time" Y/n said as she loaded her gun. She pointed the gun behind his head. Before pulling the trigger, she remembered something "Hey Amy? Can I borrow your axe?" asked Y/n. Amelia being clueless and gave her the axe. Y/n smiled and went to the left side of the boy "Say goodnight to the world~" Y/n cooed out as she brought the axe over her head and slammed it down the boy's body. She pulled back the axe and tossed it to Amelia, her catching it. Blood came out of his neck and harshly wounded body "Made him headless" Y/n said as she looked at the gang, them gawking at the scene in front of them. Calixta laughing her head off. Y/n grabbed the head as she disconnected some hanging flesh from the body "We'll burn his head down, but before I do, let me have some blood" Y/n said as she took a finger and wiped it around the boy's chopped neck and coated it with the blood. She placed the finger in her mouth and began sucking the blood off "Is that normal?" asked Amelia, Calixta nodded "Most likely, she normally eats the blood of her victims before leaving the body or burning them down" Calixta stated as Amelia nodded "Okay, I should get used to that" Amelia muttered, Zyien looking at her "You need to" Zyien said as he crossed his arms over his chest. Y/n released her finger with a pop before looking at her gang "We'll leave the body here, instead, we'll burn his head down" Y/n said as she walked over to her horse, holding the head "Oh and by the way, has any of you have the matches or a lighter?" Y/n asked as she watched her group mount their horse, her doing the same "Yup, its here" Amelia stated as Y/n nodded.

The Freaks left the body near the police station as Y/n had the head, her planning to burn it down and throw the ashes to the sewers. The gang had planned that they will do the burning near a drainage, which is where they are heading now "We're here" Y/n stated as she ordered her horse to stop. The gang doing the same. "Give it to me" Y/n said as she held out her free hand, Amelia placing a box of matches on the palms of Y/n "Thanks" she said and walked to the opening, her standing at the edge of an open drainage. She turned around, her facing her gang as she dropped the head down the road. She opened the box and grabbed a matchstick, she turned to the box to its side and forcefully scratched the matchstick, the stick emitting fire. Y/n grinned devilishly at the flames. She threw the matchstick to the direction of the head of Connor. Now, the head is burning, the flames growing each second. Y/n laughed at scene in front of her. A couple more seconds flew by as the flames were now getting smaller "Finally, now that git is gone" Calixta stated as "Ya'll do know, that we left Emma" Amelia stated as she eyed the gang "Fuck" Y/n muttered "Don't worry, I have the keys to the cuff" Calixta said as she pulled out a small key out of her pocket "Good, besides, after I throw this git's ashes into the drainage, we'll be on our way back" Y/n said as she walked over the place where the head was, now it being ashes "See in you in hell, bitch" Y/n said as she picked up a handful of ashes and walked over the drainage opening. Y/n looked down and saw the waters flowing fast and strong, she smirked and held both of her hands over the opening

 Y/n looked down and saw the waters flowing fast and strong, she smirked and held both of her hands over the opening

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To be continued....

A/n: Y/n gon be injured so be ready

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