Never Meant To Be

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Nobody's POV

Techno and Phil walked through the lands of the nether, intending to go mining for netherite. They conversed and joked, their laughter echoing through the desolate lands.

Suddenly, something caught Techno's eye in the distance

It was the silhouette of a figure standing on a cliff above a pool of lava, the light from the molten rock causing Techno to be able to see nothing but a silhouette. It looked like a small figure, a boy perhaps, his hair blew in the fierce wind as he stared at the lava below him.

The light bounced off the boy's hair, causing the strawberry blonde strands to be visible as they fell tangled around the boy's head. This figure was around 50 feet away. Techno squinted a bit, recognizing faintly the colors of the boy's t-shirt.

Red and white.

Techno's heart dropped as he realized that he knew that silhouette. "Phil, is that who I think it is?"

Phil turned to the figure in the distance squinting his eyes in confusion and then widening them in recognition, "Tommy?" he said in nothing but a whisper.

"I thought you said that Tommy was supposed to be in exile with Ranboo and Ghostbur."

"I-I thought he was..? What is he doing all the way out here?"

They both stayed there for a moment simply taking in the sight before them...

and then the boy took another step closer to the edge and it clicked...

they ran through the nether.

They paused about 10 feet away when Tommy turned to face them. There was no way Tommy would do this they thought, it wasn't like Tommy. Tommy was cheerful, Tommy was happy.

Tommy was just a boy.

This was not Tommy. This version of Tommy had bags under his eyes, had eyes that were dull and grey instead of a piercing and lively blue, had hair that was tangled and matted with dirt and blood, had bruises and burns on every spot of visible skin, and whose clothes hung around him in rags. This Tommy held a world of pain behind his eyes, this was the Tommy that now stared at Techno and Phil as he took another half step backwards towards the edge of the cliff.

Tommy just gave them a sad smile and said, "You guys can go home now, there's no reason for you to see this."

"What are you doing?" Techno demanded.

"You have no idea what he did to me, Techno, what Dream did..." After saying Dream's name Tommy's eyes filled with evident fear and he began to shake for a second.

Techno's eyes lit up with rage, but he tried and failed to keep his voice steady, "Step away from the edge, Tommy" Techno said in a deadly serious voice, "You can come home with us."

"My home is gone." Tommy whispered, but everyone heard it clearly nonetheless.

Tommy continued, "Tell Tubbo that I forgive him, alright? That I'm sorry."

"We can help you, Tommy, we can save you from this!" Techno practically yelled, his voice heavy with emotion that rarely made an appearance.

"Ah, but Techno... there is nothing left to save,"

Tommy said, his sad smile finally dropping as tears glistened in his eyes.

"Phil, do something! He's going to jump!" Techno turned to the man next to him who stood frozen as he stared at Tommy. Tommy could've swore he saw tears in both of their eyes, but it didn't matter...

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