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The school was a buzz. Exams were over and students were very excited. The hallways were usually filled with chattering children, the school grounds were littered with lounging students over the weekends. Even the lake became a very popular place as the temperatures rose. But as the girls walked towards their next class, they couldn't help but noticed that everyone was even more eager than usual.

'Why's everyone so giddy?' Marlene scoffed as she watched with disgust in her eyes as a few second years ran beside them in the halls.

'What do you mean?' Sirius draped his arm over Marlene's shoulder as they continued to stroll around the castle. Ever since that night at the astronomy tower, Marlene and Sirius were getting closer than ever. Maggie turned to face the pair and she saw the other boys joining them too.

'It just seems weird.' Marlene continued, wrapping her arm around Sirius' waist. Maggie noticed this and tried to be happy, but she couldn't help but feel a slight pang in her chest. She dismissed it as indigestion and carried on.

'Its the last week of school and no classes.' James piped up.

'Well, actually there are classes.' Remus said as he brushed some straggly bits of hair from his hair.

'Those are optional.' James flashed a bright smile towards Lily who blushed and looked away swiftly. Sirius was too occupied with Marlene's hair to notice but Maggie did. She smiled to herself silently as she watched her friends fall hopelessly in love with each other.

'What exactly makes them optional?' Mary asked as she struggled to catch up with her long-legged friends, her hair violently swinging in its ponytail. Peter lagged and offered her a piggyback ride which she gladly accepted.

'The option of going, where I choose not to.' Sirius replied, his words aimed at no one in particular. He twirled his fingers around the ends of Marlene's hair.

'If you don't go, you get detention.' Mary said from Peter's back as they galloped besides their friends, fighting giggles and enjoying the moment.

'So I choose detention.' James was standing beside Lily, who were both blushing very hard as their fingers kept brushing each other.

'There's only so much Mother Minnie can give us with a week of school left.' Sirius commented and Marlene laughed. He placed a soft kiss on her head, making the usually bold girl go two shades redder.

'You say that like its a good thing.' Maggie shrugged off her heavy robes and placed them in her backpack, leaving her in her school shirt, skirt and a pair of knee-high socks. She stopped wearing socks as spring and steady sunshine rolled by.

'Well, you say it like it's a bad thing.' Remus laughed softly to himself as he draped an arm around Maggie. So far, she was one of the few girls Remus could lean on without having to bend uncomfortably. Since she was also one of his closest friends he would often lean on her or ask for piggyback rides, which she always agreed to, in exchange for chocolate of course. The group walked leisurely for some time, chatting throughout. There was no rush, their next class was in about 15 minutes.

'You know what?' Remus leaned in closer to Maggie and whispered.

'What?' She whispered back. He brought out his wand and gestured to a few students that had bullied Mary a few days ago. Maggie could see the flame in his eyes ignite as he displayed a troublesome grin.

'I'm goi-' He started but didn't finish as James shouted after a pair of redheads.

'Well if it isn't my favourite pair of twins!' James called out as they walked towards the group.

'Hey!' Maggie crossed her arms and glared at James.

'What did I say?' He shrugged, genuinely confused.

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