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James was absolutely feral. Sirius' birthday was coming up in a few days and he had to make it perfect. Seeing as he was the first to come of age in their friend group, it was only right. Everyone in the gryffindor house made sure to do their part, even Maggie who they could barely pull away from her textbooks over the last few days.

'I said a motorcycle shaped cake not a cake shaped motorcycle!' He shouted at a bunch of 3rd years. 'But since you've already brought it, keep it near the shelf.' The children rolled the vehicle towards the direction James pointed at. Maggie stared in awe, forgetting the task she had been assigned. She had never seen him so passionate about anything. Lily wasn't even a close second. Heck even quidditch couldn't compete with Sirius at this point. James snapped his fingers in Maggies face, pulling her out of her trance.
'Maggie, darling. I know I'm gorgeous but Sirius is going to wake up in less than 2 hours and these napkins aren't going to fold thems-' Maggie cut him off by raising a finger to his lips as she snapped with her other hand and the napkins began to fold themselves.
'You were saying?' She smirked. He gulped quickly flipped through the lists stacked on his clipboard.
'Well there's still more to be done.' He said sternly as he scribbled something. He tore one of the lists in half and handed it to her. 'Can you please help me out with these things?'
Maggie scanned through the items. Most of these things she could easily do, she thought to herself and smiled smugly. That was until her eyes saw what James had written. It was Regulus with a bunch of question marks. Of course. Why didn't Maggie think of that sooner? No wonder James was on edge. He was trying to make everything perfect just in case he didn't come.

Maggie had finished most of her tasks in about 15 minutes. Most of the times she really loved being a witch. She set off to look for the slytherij boy quickly. She needed to him to be there for the surprise at midnight. Something told her he wasn't going to be in the slytherin common room. So she didn't even bother going there, not like she get in anyway.
30 minutes had passed and she still couldn't find Regulus. She checked the astronomy tower, the courtyard and the library. She even went swimming the lake to try and peer into the slytherin common room. She didn't find him of course, but she saw quite a few started first years and a very exhausted 7th year convinced that he must have have been lucid dreaming.

She headed back to the gryffindor common room in defeat. Less than a minute till midnight. She opened the door quietly and she could see James looking at her from across the room, expectant. She shook her head and his smile fell a bit. He nodded and gave her a thumbs up as a form of encouragement.

'It's Sirius Day everyone!!!' A familiar voice screamed from the boys' dorm room. Within seconds, the room had erupted with confetti and music started playing. Sirius sashayed out of the room and did his rounds around the room. His voice was light and airy, his smile was bright but his eyes. His eyes were constantly shifting searching for something. Maggie could feel her heart break. She ran up to the boys' room and searched through Sirius' belongings for the book. Once she had found it she quickly grabbed a pen and an ink pot and started to write.
'I know you can see this! So I'm giving you ten minutes to find your way to the gryffindor tower.'
The page went blank as the ink was absorbed. She saw a few black spots appear on the page. Ink blots.
'What is it?' She wrote, anger building up in her.
'I can't.' A reply quickly appeared. Maggie swore.
'Where are you then?' She tapped her quill on the edge of the input impatiently.
'The kitchen.' It's funny how the one place Maggie didn't check, was the place where he was hidden. Maybe he knew her too well. Maybe she didn't know him well enough.
'We're on our way.' She closed the book and rushed down to the common room. She headed straight towards Sirius who eating a slice of cake as he sat on the cake shaped motorcycle. Maggie sighed. How could he make a cake shaped motorcycle so cool?
She grabbed his arm without saying a word and moved striaght towards the exit. This led to a few protests from the people he was talking to. James appeared in front of the frame ready to stop Maggie. She gave him a pleading look and he understood and stepped aside.
It was only when they had stepped into the hallway, that she realised Sirius had been talking.
'Sierra Leone slingshots shawarmas made me fizz up and turn into the air.'
'Fizz up?' She stumbled a bit but didn't look back as she dragged Sirius.
'Oh, you're back. I wondered how long it was going to take this time.' He replied nonchalantly, still struggling to take a bite of his cake.
'This time?' Maggie asked, still speedwalking to her destination. Was this a reoccurring thing?
How long had it been going on for?
'Yeah, Peter once recorded a full hour and I hope that I would break his record.' He said with his math partially full. He finally was able to get some.
'Oh.' She felt like a really bad friend. She would have to make it up to them during the summer. Silence.
'Where are we going by the way?' He asked again.
'It's a surprise.' She smiled and skipped a bit.
'Aww you planned a dinner for us?' He shuffled forward to her side. He used his arm to squeeze her hand.
'Even better.' She increased her pace a bit. He stopped and fell behind. Maggie used all of her strength to pull him back.
'What can be bet... Wait. No.. I-i mean yes but not now.' He looked at her with a genuine look in his eyes. Maggie couldn't tell what it was. 'Unless...' He smirked and continued walking. She stopped pulling and turned to face him.
'What are you even saying? Do you even know where we are headed?' She frowned and searched for some sort of answer in his face.
'Yes aren't we going to that...' He spoke up once more then stopped. 'Wait you don't know.' Of course she wouldn't know about the map. Nobody knew yet except for the mauraders.
'Know what?' She asked. He laughed and continued walking, thinking about what the next landmark would be. Ahh the kitchen.
'Nothing. So what's happening in the kitchen?' He left Maggie behind staring at him dumbfounded.
They soon reached the entrance of the kitchen. Maggie took a hold of Sirius' hand and squeezed it. They walked in the room where a small cake lit with a single candle stood in the dark.
'Oh wow.' 'Thank you.'
'No, there's no ne
'What she means is, you should be thanking me.' Regulus waved his wand and the room lit up again. Trust a Black to make a dramatic entrance.
'Sorry, do you mind? We're having a moment here.' Sirius waved Regulus away without a second thought. Suddenly his head snapped back at Regulus.
'What? You? How? Where? That means... No... It can't be...' He went through a series of emotions and questions in the span of ten seconds. He quickly ran and embraced his brother. 'Where have you been? All! This! Bloody! Time!' He punched his brother softly with each word. Regulus just laughed, avoiding the topic.
'The candle is melting. I spent too long on this cake for it to be covered in wax.' He sighed.
Maggie watched Sirius blow out the candle and then take a pinch of the cake.
'Nooooo.' Sirius moaned.
'Yes.' Regulus said grabbing a knife so he could slice up the cake. 'I spent most of the break perfecting the family recipe. Although narcissa always made the best black forest.'
'It's getting late. I should head back.' Maggie started towards the door.
'No wait. Stay.' Regulus held her hand and squeezed. She could see he was happy. They both were. But this was their moment.
'Sorry but I have to get back to my studying. This exam isn't going to write itself.' She laughed heartily at her own joke while the other two stood unamused.
'You're right. Bye.' Regulus let go of her hand with a smile that said a million thank yous.
She was about to walk put when Sirius hugged her, nearly throwing her off her feet. 'You're absolutely brilliant. You know that right?'
'Yeah yeah yeah.' She turned around so they wouldn't see her tears. 'Bye boys.' Heavens, she loved them so much.

A/N: Sorry for the delay, it has been the longest time, hasn't it? I hope to be more consistent about it. I noticed I made a few mistakes with the names and English and all that but I will try to go over it once I'm done. As always remember to share, save, like, comment whatever. 

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