Everything Has Changed

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January 8th (ish), 2011

Dear Diary,

I'm about to start the second semester of my Freshman year. I think I'm far enough into the school year to reflect on it.. Has high school been everything I'd hoped for? No, not really. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I can't seem to get into it. I'm trying, really, but it's just hard. My mom wants to send me to a therapist next week, but I'm scared. How am I supposed to open up to some random stranger? That's just awkward. Just give me some pills and lets move on, please. (That's a joke) (Kinda)

I guess I'll tell you about my day. I need to practice opening up. I woke up at 10:30. Thank God for spring break. Am I supposed to capitalize God? I mean, I'm not that religious. What's he going to do about it? god. Haha.

Okay, I'm side tracking. I woke up late, then went to eat breakfast. My breakfast consisted of... water? I know, it sounds bad. But I had a really big lunch yesterday, so I'm just balancing my diet out. Scott wouldn't stop talking about how bad he wants to make first line. It's not annoying, though. I really enjoy spending time around my brother. He's like my best friend. Speaking of best friends, can we talk about Scott's best friend? No, we can't. I'm moving on. I don't even know his name. What the hell is a Stiles? I only know Harry Styles from One Direction.

Anyways, I like my brother. He's cool. And he's totally going to make first line this year, because I said so. I think it would be a good experience for him. I think that Stiles is going to make first line, as well. He always talks about how bad he is at lacrosse, but I think he's holding himself back. I just know his so good, I've seen it, he's just scared to let himself try. I think he's fantastic. There's a lot of potential there, at the very least.

After my water and talk with Scott, I went over to Tessa's. That's my actual best friend. Sorry, Scott. Her parents got a horse for Christmas. For, like, the whole family. I have no idea why. They aren't horse people. They're Italians who moved from Brooklyn like five years ago. Not to stereotype, but you know. Brooklyn. We played with the horse for a while. And by play, I mean we spent hours trying to figure out how to feed it without getting our hand bit off. The last thing I need is to get bit by a horse, or anything for that matter. But it was fun. I always have a fun time with her.

Then I went home a laid around for a long time. Reading, homework, and what-not. This is where it gets interesting. My mom is at work, so it was just me and Scott at home. All of the sudden there was this noise. I thought I made it up in my head, but Scott ran in my room carrying a baseball bat and was freaking out. He told me to stay behind him, just in case. I prayed that the intruder didn't decide to attack from behind. We walked all around the house and made it to the front door when all of the sudden this person started hanging from our roof. It was really scary, but spoiler alert: It was just Stiles. I say just Stiles like he doesn't make my heart race as fast as it does at the possibility of being murdered. Can you blame me? He's so cute. Like, his eyes. Omg his eyes. They're so warm and inviting. And his smile? It's the most genuine smile I've ever seen. It's almost enough to make me feel like he's happy to see me. But he isn't. He likes someone else. A really pretty someone else. A pretty, skinny, socially aware someone else who I don't even want to think about. I mean, if his standards are that high, why even bother?

Once Scott realized Stiles was the mystery intruder, he stopped screaming. Then Stiles was like 'Scott there's a dead body lets go find it' and Scott was like 'Um, I'm kind of tired, but I guess so.' Which is so dumb, and I told them so. Sort of. I kind of get really tongue tied around Stiles, so I was trying to say 'That's actually such a bad idea. You have no idea what's out there, but it's dangerous enough to kill someone. So, please be smart and don't die' but it ended up sounding like 'I... Um... maybe you shouldn't. Stay safe?' It kind of got my message across.

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