Part 21

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They were only playing a game

They hadn't had a real intimate moment together

And yet she had agreed to be his?

Draco poured himself another shot of firewhiskey as he drowned his mindful thoughts. It was approximately 2 am, and he was sat in the common room, seemingly lost track of time with alcohol.

"Malfoy" He turned his attention to Ava Macmillan, a Slytherin he had recently fucked. Clearly, she didn't comprehend his shallow attention and brought herself onto his lap.

"Not now," He said and tried to move her off his lap. "Please" She looked at him with pesky puppy-dog eyes.

"I said not now" He repeated himself with a harsher tone. She got up with a huff, "Fine, but tomorrow after Ivy's birthday party, at least meet me in my dorm?''

Who the fuck was Ivy?

"I'll see" He returned back to his drink, when he noticed she still hadn't left, he crooked an eyebrow at her and she scurried off

What the fuck was wrong with him, why didn't he let her suck him off

For Salazar's sake, fuck


She looked down at her graded test and her heart dropped.

A bloody poor?!?

She's never gotten anything below an outstanding, and for her to earn a bloody poor was agonizing. She muttered an abundance of profanities and exited her arithmancy class.

She was plotting murder in her mind until she spotted Theo. She remembered Millicent mentioning something about Theo having this herb that pleasured and numbed nerves and she desperately needed something of that sort.

"You, come with me" She pointed a finger at a thrilled Theo and dragged him by his arm to the common room. "Hello to you to Ms. Avery," He said with sarcasm but let her drag him like a lost puppy.

"Theo please tell me you have something to smoke," She said with desperate eyes. "I'm very well, thank you, and how are you?"another sarcasm leaving his mouth. She snapped her head at him but smiled slightly, "Oh, come on Theo!" Theo raised his eyebrows and she rolled her eyes, "Hello, Theo, how are you, are you well, well I'm glad you are so-"

She got interrupted with Theo chuckling and asking about the weather? "Lovely weather isn't it?" He said whilst glancing to the rear windows and pretending to think. She slapped his hand and giggled, "I give up on you"

"Alright alright, I have some weed in my dormitory let's go" He smirked at her, and now he was dragging her through the corridor.

They got to his room, it was much smaller and plainer than Draco. Elise went and laid down on one of the beds with her head in her hands and waited as Theo searched through his dresser.

"Ms. Avery" Theo said as he bowed down to her whilst handing the blunt. "Why thank you Mr. Nott'' She responded and immediately took the blunt into her mouth. She inhaled it and felt her stress seeking out of her veins. She inhaled it a couple of more times before giving it to Theo to inhale.

"Fuck this feels good'' She said as she turned around and laid in a starfish position, having a staring competition with the oh so mesmerizing ceiling.

"Mmm"Theo hummed and crawled onto the bed next to Elise, passing the blunt to her again.

She inhaled it and blew the smoke out onto Theo's mouth and started giggling, clearly buzzed out from the toxication. "Hit me" Theo said whilst lazily smiling at her

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