Chapter 11

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Heyyy! I think this book is going well! Somewhat.......


I was now getting ready to go on a date with Jackson. I'm really excited, we have been talking A LOT over the two days, and I think it might actually go somewhere.....
Do you WANT it to? I think to myself. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I don't know what I want anymore..... I jump at the buzz that came from my pocket. A message from Zayn....

Hey Bailey!! I miss you. :( you need to come see us. Don't make YOUR brother cry.......

I sigh and just leave it. I miss them all like crazy.... Even Liam..... But that doesn't matter anymore. I just slip on my blue sun dress and grab my phone, waiting for Jackson.

So far, it has been an hour. An hour on waiting for Jackson. An hour of excitement, slowly but surly fading away into hopelessness. I sigh, getting up from my spot by the window and text Zayn back.

I miss you too. I need a friend to talk to..... Especially since I just got blown off. :'( I will be there in about 5 hours.

I put down my phone, slipping out of my dress and into faded jeans and a white shirt that was flowie at the bottom. I grab my phone and car keys. As I walk, I think about what November is planning. She made me and Sky stay in hotel rooms, witch is where I am now, Sky went shopping. She said that she has to get it ready. I jump in my car, and make my way to the hotel they are staying at.

I pull in a parking spot fairly close to the building and walk in. As soon as I push open the doors, I am attacked with hugs. "DON'T YOU DARE EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN!" Louis screamed into my ear. Zayn, Niall, Harry and Louis all take me to their room. We walk in to hear giggling. "I love you, Liam." "I love you too, Dani." They said. Liam kissed her nose, just like he did me. I bit my lip to keep the tears from slipping. Liam turns around when Louis clears his thought. I turn to see Louis was kinda mad and annoyed. Wow. That's not something Louis is very often. He is usually the one annoying the people not BEING annoyed. "We have a guest Liam. Remember her? The one you fucking EMBARRASSED in front of EVERYONE?!" He shouted, causing me to jump. "Bailey," Liam starts. "Fuck off Liam. Now that I'm here, you finally wanna explain? Uh, I don't think so. And I didn't come for a explanation, I came for the people that actually give more than two fucks about me. So if you excuse me, I would rather waist my time on something that actually matters to me." I said and turn around, walking into the hall. I cross my arms and wait for the boys. "Ok, ima go to nandos, I don't know about you." Niall said. Everyone agreed. "I'll meet up with y'all soon. I just need to freshen up..." I say. I walk past the quiet couple on the couch and into the bathroom. I shut and lock the door, double checking the lock and pulling the knob to be safe. I open the drawers and cabinets, but can't find what I'm looking for. Then I find a open box of razors. I grab the box and shut the cabinet, grabbing one and just playing with the sharp object in my hands, feeling the blade with my finger tips. I slowly lift it, and make two deep cuts. Blood seeps out as I quickly rinse it, making sure not to leave blood anywhere as I pull down my sleeves, walking out. Liam looks at me, then down at my wrist. I also look to see the soft white cotton to see it is stained with blood. I flip my wrist so it is against my hip and walk out. Once I close the door, my vision becomes fuzzy. But I quickly blink it away. I softly let go of my sleeve and continue walking. I stop. I left the bloody fucking razor on the sink. I run back to the door and knock, my vision becoming blurry once again. My knees almost give out but I use the door handle to stay up. The girl opens the door and I smile weakly. "I l-left something, may I get it please?" I ask politely, my voice sounding weary and rough. She nods quietly and I walk in, fast walking into the bathroom. I also forgot my phone. I slip the razor into the back of my case and walk out, stumbling slightly. I support myself with the wall and make my way to the door. Liam and the girl are on the couch and I quietly make my way to the door, my knees buckling. What is happening? I haven't drank or ate anything for about 10 hours...... Oh..... I am loosing blood and am most likely dehydrated. Oh no. I blink again to regain my sight, but it only makes things double for a few seconds. I keep walking and make it to the door, struggling to open it. Suddenly, a warm liquid is spread onto my hand.... Blood. I quickly use my sleeve to wipe it up, the paper white cotton soaking it up, most likely leaving a stain. I bring two shaky hands up to the door knob, slowly and shakily twisting it. I finally manage to push it open. I stumble out the door, quickly catching myself on the opposite wall. I suck in a breath, watching intently as a pot with a beautiful flower shakes. I let out the breath I was holding as it stumbles back into place. "Are you okay?" A girl asked. It was Liam's girlfriend. "I don't know. Or care." I grumble. "But you should care about yourself." She fought back. "Well I have nothing to care for about me. After all, I am just a fucking slut. I bet if you look on my twitter account or ask Liam's fans, they will confirm that for you." I say, sliding down the wall and putting my head in my hands. "No, your not. It was managements fault." She said, sitting next to me. I tilt my head so I am looking at her, still holding the side of my face. " well it dosent matter about management anymore. If it was meant to be, then Liam wouldn't have done it. But I understand. His career is too valuable to just quit for a orphan that killed her dad that she has been searching for for at least five years." I say, tears rimming my eyes. "Bailey, he cares. I know he dose." She said. I shake my head. "I only have Luke, Niall, Harry, Zayn,and Louis. And Sky and November." I say. " I don't have him. But he has me. And I can't just care about someone that doesn't care about me. I would kill myself if I had to for him. I would save his life, but he can't even spare my feelings. I fell for him. And when he did that to me, it hurt like hell. I will never experience such pain ever again. I hate how he acts like wherever we had never happened. It hurts. And I care. But he doesn't. It's just not fair. But after all, is anything?" I say. "I-" she starts, but can't finish. She chokes on her words. "I'm sorry. I wish I could change this, but I can't. I am in love with someone too. His name is Jackson. But, I was forced to be with Liam. He's a grate guy, don't get me wrong. But Jackson, he is the one." She said. "HEY! I know Jackson! We met and where suppose to go on a date, but he blew me off with no warning." I sigh. "Yeah. He kinda promised slash vowed on his life he would never move on." She said, giggling a little. A saw a little spark in her eyes as she talked about him..... Like she really loved him....... "Hey.....why don't you go back to him?" I ask. She holds her breath, as if realizing it is her life. "OMG I feel stupid." She said and let's out a breath. She runs into the apartment and I go behind her. "Dani don't break up with him-" I start but she cuts me off by..... Of course..... Breaking up with Liam. "Oh. Um....ok?" Liam said, very confused. "DANIELLE! That's not what I met!" I say. "What? Well I'm sorry Liam. Your a great guy but not my type. Plus, this was a forced relationship. I am in love with someone else. And I don't want to be away from him. I care too much. I would do anything for him. And that includes risking my career!" She said, emphasizing on 'I would risk my career'. I give her a glare, but she just smirks back. "And plus, someone else is falling for you." She said. Liam looked at me but I ran. "I'll be at nandos!" I say.

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