Chapter 13

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Hey people!!! I'm super sorry that I don't update as much anymore... I was at a friends for a week strait and she had wifi... That's when I started. So I don't have wifi, witch means I must update wile I am walking around a store. But I can never get to update 1) because it will never load fast enough before I get in trouble. 2) I get in trouble... As I said and get accused for 'sticking my nose in my I pod 24/7.' And that just seems like A perverted comment so... Yeah or I could use my sisters hot spot but noooo IM always rude... Well sorry and here is the 13th chapter!!!



"LUKE! STOP IT!" I yell as he throws me over his shoulder, walking into the hotel. "AHHH! HELP!" I yell desperately, but always end up blushing when I get weird looks. Soon, I give up and go limp in his arms as we step into the familiar elevator. "Niall?! Your support to be my back up. What happened to my Nialler always being on my side?" I ask him once the large doors shut. He shrugs. "I just think its time you work it out... It needs to stop." He says. I groan, rolling my eyes. The doors open to revile the hall. I suddenly get nervous. What if he wants to talk about... My cuts? I hate that I did that to myself, it hurts to even THINK that I would do it. I feel stupid and weak. I feel like a coward that can't handle their feelings. Not that people that do do that are, that's just how I feel. "That door." Niall says and points to the door. Luke knocks twice, and soon Liam opens up. He is standing sideways so I can see him. "Um... Hello?" He says, lifting a eye brow. "Don't hello me. You hurt my sister, and now you are going to FIX her, Liam. Got it?" Niall spat at him, gabbing a finger into his chest. "Um. Yeah." He whispers. "Pa-lease! He tried to 'fix' us earlier but ended up hurting me AGAIN!" I say. "Too bad. TALK!" Luke says before walking in and setting me on the couch. He runs out before shutting the door. I hear rustling before a big ban on the door. "There! Now your STUCK together." Niall says. I get up, walking to Liam. "What is there to say, cause I don't have anything to say to YOU." I say and cross my arms over my chest. He sighs, throwing his head back. "Why are you so difficult? You REALLY think I would WANT to do that to you?! I LOVE you! But noo! I'm just a terrible person that would lie about you cheating through my OWN choice." He says. "And you REALLY think I WOULDN'T be difficult when you HUMILIATED me in front of not only all your fans, but in front of the WORLD?! Of course I would! I LOVE YOU TOO! But you can't expect me to forgive you when I had no clue you where even gonna do it. And your just as bad for going along with it. Then being with another girl literally RIGHT AFTER YOU SCREAMED AT ME FOR CHEATING?! I think that that looks like your the one cheating. Hell, maybe you where! Your just FULL of surprises, Liam!" I scream back, tears threatening to spill. "Bailey... I really do love you. I'm sorry that I did it. It's just... This means the world to me! I thought you of all people would understand." He says, lowering his voice. I snort sarcastically, laughing a little. "Don't use that innocence act on me, Liam. I can only understand things I know of. Not things that get thrown at me. I'm proud of you, of corse, I know it means the world to you. But you mean the UNIVERSE to me. I thought you feel the same. But I just mean your happiness. That's not even CLOSE to how much I feel towards you. Shouldn't I mean the UNIVERSE to you?! Nope, I guess not. I would jump off of the fucking tallest object in the world for you. All you did for me was dump me in front of LIVE TELEVISION! Not only that, but make all your fans hate on me everywhere I go. Thanks a lot, Liam! You officially RUINED my life! WOW, SOMEONE COME GIVE THIS BOY A REWARD!" I yell. "Bailey... You do mean the universe to me... I love you. Please, just listen. I only did it cause... Well I'm making a song for you. I thought it would make you happy. But then I got that call, and they said that if I don't do it, then I will be fired. I wanna make that song. I want you to be happy..." He says, hugging me. " Liam, I can only handle so many nasty words being thrown at me at once. They don't only trash me on the Internet, but they walk up to me and call me a slut, whore, twat. And more. I can't take it any more, Liam!" I cry into him. He kisses my head, smoothing my hair. "And I met a awesome girl named Lyric that scared off a group of girls that where being rude. She said she knows that I didn't cheat and that she thinks you did it cause management." I say, looking up at him. "She gave me hope. Your lucky we are even talking, if it wasn't for her, you would have a knife in your chest right now." I joke. He steps back with his hands up, a smile on his face. "I think I need to meet my savior." He says. "Wait, really?" I ask. He laughs and nods. "Wale, ok!" I say and pull out my phone, dialing her number. "Hey, meet me at the hotel, I have a surprise. Come to room four on floor three." I say. Before she can answer, I hang up, sliding my phone back into my pocket. "She's coming!!" I squeal, suddenly happy. "Am I forgave?" He asks me with hope in his eyes. "Liam..." I say. "No, please Bailey. I will never do anything to you! I love you! Please, I will get on my knees for you." He says. "Liam, I know you really mean it but... It's not that easy to forgive. For some people, yeah. But not for me. I am really close to, though. You need to earn it. Not everything comes to those who wait. More comes to those who try." I say. He nods, stepping forward and enveloping me in a tight hug. "I will never hurt you again. I promise." He says. "Please don't let me down Liam. Don't promise me that. Of course we are gonna get mad at each other. Don't make promises you know you can't keep." I say. He sighs and nods. I step away from his warm and welcoming grasp. A sudden emptiness fills me from the lack of his touch. "I just don't wanna loose you." He whispers. I open my mouth to talk, but there is a knock on the door. I stiffen and walk to the door. I throw it open to reveal Lyric. "LYRIC!!" I yell, crushing her in my arms. "N-need a-air!" She gasp under my tight grip. I let go with a huge smile on my face. "NIALL AND LUKE!" I yell for them. They come out from behind the corner. "Come on, idiots! I have someone I want ya to meet!" I say, throwing my arm over her shoulder. Her eyes go wide and she nearly faints when she sees Niall. "Shiz! I forgot you where a directioner..." I say. She grabs onto my arm as she slowly slips to the floor. "Lyric?!" I say and giggle as she sighs lovingly. Suddenly, she falls to the floor with a thud. "Oh my god! She actually passed out! Just by seeing YOU Niall!" I say. He go's wide eyed and runs to help me assist her. "Call the boys to get over here." I say. Niall looks at me like I'm crazy. "Are you crazy?!" He states. "No! She will not pass out again." I say, putting my hands on my hips. "They are coming." Luke says, pushing past Niall and me and walking into the apartment. He throws the pillows off the couch and makes his way back to us. "Put her there. Where is Liam?" He asks. "Here! What happened?!" Liam says and walk up. "She passed out from seeing Nialls face." I say, trying not to laugh at Nialls guilt. Niall picks her up, but when he has her in his arms, she wakes up. She screams at the top of her lungs, causing Niall to be dumbfounded. "OMGOMG!!! NIALL HORAN IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE!!! AHHHH!" She yells and hugs him. I pull her off him and sit her on the couch, sitting on top of her. "Wow, this is AMAYZAYN!" She screams. Suddenly, the rest of the boys walk in. She continues the ear piercing scream as tears flow down her cheeks. I get up and wipe her tears. "I-oh my god! You guys are my heroes!" She cries. The boys come up and we all have a group hug, Liam slipping his arm around my waist. I smile at the simple gesture. Maybe everything will be ok, again.

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